Halliday’s writing leaned very much
back to the left. He was the only pupil in the class who wrote in this way. He
was a nuisance in poetry lessons as he would giggle and make faces and could
never be persuaded to read aloud. His silly behaviour made me believe that he
didn’t like poetry. However, When I gave the class a test in which they had to
write down some poetry they had learned by heart, Halliday seemed to know the
most. Halliday had a special dislike for art and I allowed him to read during this period. He never volunteered for drama and refused to A. He was furious. B. He was amused. C. He gave a permission. D. He refused permission. [单项选择]初产妇,25岁,妊娠39周,临产破水7小时入院。查体:腹围97cm,宫高30cm,LOA,胎心140次/分。肛查:宫口开大3cm,宫缩间歇时有血性羊水流出。6小时后阴道出血较多,胎心音变慢不规律,经积极治疗,2小时后分娩出一男婴,苍白窒息,经抢救无效死亡。此患者的临床诊断主要根据是()
A. 产前诊断通过阴道检查来确诊 B. 取阴道血涂片找到有核红细胞或幼红细胞 C. 脐血流图 D. 彩色超声多普勒 E. B超检查 [多项选择]项目的财务盈利性至少在()方面可能难以全面正确地反映项目的经济合理性。
A. 国家给予项目补贴 B. 企业向国家缴税 C. 某些货物市场价格可能扭曲 D. 项目的内部效果 E. 项目的外部效果 [单项选择]物业客户服务中心的职责不包括()。
A. 接受咨询,接待访客 B. 业主入住、合约签订和证件办理 C. 业主或使用人报刊函件的收发 D. 装修审批 [单项选择]临床上检查意识状态的方法一般多用()
A. 问诊 B. 触诊 C. 叩诊 D. 听诊 E. 嗅诊 [多选题]按照道路货运运输企业等级条件的要求,一级企业与二级企业指标要求相同的有( )。
A.经营业绩 B.安全状况 C.投诉次数 D.运输能力 E.营运货车新度系数 [多选题]录入追缴名单的车辆应提供信息包括( )ETC 卡及 OBU 信息(ETC 客户)、逃费类型、其他证据信息、验证享受优免情况等。
A.车辆基本信息 B.原始交易流水 C.稽核确认的通行记录 D.车辆行驶证 [判断题]对于所有客户,应按固定的日期抄表到位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是一个国家、一个民族发展中更基本、更深沉、更持久的力量。( )
A.制度自信 B.道路自信 C.文化自信 D.理论自信 [单项选择]The history of African—Americans during the past 400 years is traditionally narrated (41) an ongoing straggle against (42) and indifference on the part of the American mainstream, and a struggle (43) as an upward movement is (44) toward ever more justice and opportunity.
Technology in and of (45) is not at fault; it’s much too simple to say that gunpowder or agricultural machinery or fiber optics (46) been the enemy of an (47) group of people. A certain machine is put (48) work in a certain way--the purpose (49) which it was designed. The people who design the machines are not intent on unleashing chaos; they are usually trying to (50) a task more quickly, cleanly, or cheaply, (51) the imperative of innovation and efficiency that has ruled Western civilization (52) the Renaissance. Mastery of technology is second only (53) money as the true measure of accomplishment in this country, and A. progressing B. progressed C. clutched D. clutching 我来回答: 提交