A Red Clause Documentary Credit is a
Documentary Credit with a special condition incorporated into it that authorizes
the Confirming Bank or any other Nominated Bank to make advances to the
Beneficiary before presentation of the documents. The clause is incorporated at the specific request of the Applicant, and the wording is de- pendent upon his requirements. The Red Clause Documentary Credit is so called because the clause was originally written in red ink to draw attention to the unique nature of this Documentary Credit. The clause specifies the amount of the advance authorized, which, in some in- stances, may be for the full amount of the Documentary Credit. The Red Clause Documentary Credit is often used as a method of providing the seller with funds prior to shipment. Therefore, it is of value to middlemen and dealers in areas of commerce A. It is often used as a means of supplying the seller with funds before shipment. B. It is served as a way of providing the seller for funds prior to shipment. C. It is often used for the method of providing the seller for funds prior to shipment. D. It is often used as a means of supplying the seller for funds before shipment. [判断题]起重搬运时只能由一人统一指挥,必要时可设置中间指挥人员帮助指挥。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]SPECT脑血流灌注显像表现为局限性放射性分布稀疏或缺损一般不出现在哪项疾病中
A. 缺血性脑血管疾病 B. 偏头痛和脑肿瘤 C. 脑脓肿 D. 癫痫的发作间期 E. 癫痫的发作期 [判断题]>特殊情况,工作人员可以在吊物下指挥吊车。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Most presentations today depend on the use of some sort of technology, such as a laptop computer linked to a projector. While this technology can help to (19) presentations better, it also has a (20) of getting in the way. As a general (21) . it is better to (22) on the content of a presentation as a means of (23) your audience’s attention, rather than relying on sophisticated equipment.
Bear in mind that when an organization invites (24) for a contract, they may (25) four or five presentations from different companies on the same day. Each of these companies will probably be using the same computer graphics (26) and the same equipment. The chances are the presentations will be similar too. That’s why the content and (27) of what you say are important. Think about what you want to say and how to say it as clearly as possible. As a first step, you need to (28) the m A. produce B. make C. construct D. build [单选题]新华社北京3月9日电国际滑联官网消息,2019-2020赛季国际滑联速度滑冰世界杯总决赛于荷兰当地时间8日在海伦芬落幕,中国选手( )获得男子1500米赛季总成绩亚军。
A.穆哈买提 B.周洋 C.宁忠岩 D.新滨立 [单选题]在汛期暴风雨中行车,当洪水漫到路肩时,列车应按规定( )。
A.. 加强瞭望 B..限速运行 C..立即停车 [单选题]可燃气体、蒸气和粉尘与空气(或助燃气体)的混合物,必须在一定的浓度范围内,遇到足以起爆的火源才能发生爆炸这个可爆炸的浓度范围,叫做该爆炸物的( )。
A.爆炸浓度极限 B.爆炸极限 C.爆炸上限 D.爆炸下限 [简答题]正常生产矿井至少多少时间测定1次矿井通风阻力?
A. 前置胎盘 B. 胎盘早剥 C. 脐带帆状附着前置血管破裂 D. 宫颈裂伤 E. 子宫破裂 [多选题]人民币与外汇掉期业务的风险包括( )。
A.政策风险 B.市场风险 C.操作风险 D.评级风险 [单项选择]火器伤清创术中,下列哪项是错误的()
A. 1%的双氧水清洗伤口 B. 扩大切口 C. 切除失活的肌肉组织 D. 去除伤口内血块、脱落的组织碎片及异物 E. 肌腱必须一期缝合 [单项选择]葛根黄芩黄连汤的主治病证是()
A. 湿热痢疾 B. 热毒痢疾 C. 热结旁流 D. 虚寒血痢 E. 协热下利 [单选题]“天窗”是指铁路列车运行图中不铺划列车运行线或调整、抽减列车运行线为营业线施工、( )预留的时间。
A.安装信号机 B.测试残压 C.安装道岔 D.维修作业 [简答题]试述雌激素的生理功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]转向架监测故障,故障代码为68C8故障描述:( );停车检查,根据故障提示,通知机械师下车检查该故障点状况,下车确认轴抱死状态,确认若可低速运行,则通知司机限速40km/h运行。
A.至少一个轮对轴承温度测量故障 B. 监测到车轴抱死 C.至少一个车轴的运行稳定监控故障 D.转向架监测故障开关43-S12置“关”位 [单选题]客户因移动支付重复扣费需要退费时,司机应拨打( )电话,进行退费。
A.0431-96122 B.0431-12122 C.0431-12315 D.0431-85379663 [单项选择]在我国确认发明专利权的第一审行政案件应当由( )。
A. 基层人民法院管辖 B. 中级人民法院管辖 C. 高级人民法院管辖 D. 最高人民法院管辖 [单项选择]根据《产品过程检测管理程序》,以下哪一情况不需进行信耐性测试和寿命测试检验()
A. 作为新产品注册时 B. 每年生产只有一次 C. 国家质量监督机构提出要求时 D. 间隔一年以上再恢复生产时 [单选题]目前境内机构资本项目外汇收入意愿结汇比例为( )
A.100% B.95% C.90% D.80% [单选题]伊顿9x55 UPS控制面板 上 ~ 中间加一横线图样指示灯(绿灯)的含义( )。
A.UPS状态正常; B.UPS处于电池模式 C.UPS处于旁路模式 D.UPS出现报警 [多项选择]注册会计师应当根据审计结论,出具下列审计意见之一的审计报告()。
A. 无保留意见 B. 保留意见 C. 否定意见 D. 拒绝表示意见 E. 肯定意见 我来回答: 提交