最有效的治疗是() What is the most popular food in
western countries If you are not sure, statistics might give you the
answer. Every year, some 20 million people walk into restaurants and buy 2 billion sandwiches. Americans alone eat more than 1 billion sandwiches annually. If you lined up all the sandwiches Westerners eat in a year, they would go around the world 13 times! When John Montagu made the very first sandwich in England in 1762, he couldn’t have imagined that it would still be very popular almost 250 years later. There is a campaign starting this month in the US to find the healthiest and best tasting sandwich in the country. Sandwiches are commonly carried to school or work in lunchboxes or brown paper bags to be eaten for lunch. They are also taken on picnics and hiking trips. Their longlasting popularity lies in their convenience A. hamburger B. sandwich C. hotdog D. sausage [单选题]采暖管道的钢管套管安装工程量计算规则以()为单位。
A.m. B.cm. C.寸. D.尺 [判断题]乙炔瓶内气体不得用尽,不用保留不小于98kPa的压强。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以轻钢龙骨为骨架,采用钉固法安装时应使用 固定( )
A.铁钉 B.连接件 C.自攻钉 D.胶粘剂 [判断题]焊接用的焊条、焊剂、焊丝和施焊用的保护气体,仅需符合设计要求。
A. 工作负责人 B. 现场监护人 C. 工作班班长 D. 有经验的人 [单项选择]患者女性,30岁,急性呼吸道感染入院,体温39℃。患者应用抗生素后症状消失、体温恢复正常,继续使用抗生素的时间()
A. 症状消失即可停药 B. 2~3天 C. 3~4天 D. 5~6天 E. 6~7天 [判断题]办理配电第一种工作票延期手续,应在工作票的有效期内,由工作签发人向工作许可人提出申请,得到同意后给予办理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )一般是由上级主管部门或者地方政府负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门,组织对企业进行的安全检查。
A.定期综合检查 B.日常检查 C.节假日检查 D.阶段性检查 [单选题]CPU不能直接访问的存储器是( )。
A.ROM B.RAM C.CAChe D.CD-ROM [判断题]检查妇女的身体,应当由女性警察进行
对 错 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在使电者脱离电源时 , 救护人员不得采用金属和其他潮湿的物品作为救护工具。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]最重要的储铁化合物包括()
A. 铁蛋白 B. 血铁黄素 C. 肌红蛋白 D. A+C E. A+B [填空题]
Jazz has been called"the art of expression set to music". It
has functioned as popular art and enjoyed periods of fairly{{U}} (36)
{{/U}}public response. The standard legend about Jazz is that it{{U}}
(37) {{/U}}around the end of the 19th century in New Orleans and moved
up the Mississippi River to Memphis, St. Louis,and finally to Chicago. It welded
together the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}of Ragtime,marching band music,and the
Blues. However, the{{U}} (39) {{/U}}of what led to those early sounds go
back to tribal African drum beats and European musical{{U}} (40)
What made Jazz{{U}} (41) {{/U}}different from the other earlier forms of music was the use of improvisation. Jazz{{U}} (42) {{/U}}a break from traditional music where a composer wrote an entire piece of music on paper, leaving the{{U}} (43) {{/U}}to break their backs playing exactly what was written on the score. In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a [单选题]湘水公司期末存货采用成本与可变现净值孰低法计量。
2020 年 12 月 31 日,库存甲材料的账面价值(成本)为 90 万元, 市场销售价格为 85 万元。甲材料可用于生产 2 台乙产品,每台 市场销售价格为 75 万元,单位成本为 70 万元,预计销售费用每 台为 2 万元。假定不考虑相关税费,甲材料之前未计提过减值准备,则湘水公司 2020 年年末甲材料应计提存货跌价准备( ) 万元。 A.5 B.10 C.6 D.0 [不定项选择题]A.温热病及中风神昏
A.神昏、痉厥诸证 B.卒然昏迷,口噤不开 C.痰热惊搐,中风痰壅 D.风痰眩晕,中风痰壅 E.天竺黄治疗的病证是( ) [单选题]业务系统版本升级后,应验证业务系统运行正常,并保留旧版本的文件。
A. 正确 B. 错误 [单项选择]一工人劳动时踏铁钉刺伤足底半日,出血已止,伤口创缘稍肿胀,伤口污染较明显,来院急诊。下列处理哪项是错误的()
A. 清创后不予缝合 B. .清创后一期缝合 C. 注射破伤风抗毒素 D. 给予抗菌药物 E. 限制活动,抬高患肢 [填空题]汽轮机轴端输出功率也称为汽轮机的()。
A.2个月 B.4个月 C.6个月 D.9个月 E.12个月 我来回答: 提交