It’s no secret that most busy American
mothers use the TV set as a live-in babysitter. In some households the tube
holds a child’s attention for the odd half hour or two while mom works on
dinner; in others it is the child’s constant daytime companion. Is there any
harm in this Debate rages over the question, and periodically research is published showing that TV reduces attention span, makes children jumpy or inclines them to violence. In today’s cartoon David Horsey makes fun of the claims of "children’s TV", the special programming that supposedly uses entertainment to help youngsters to learn to read and take their first steps in the big, diverse world outside their family. What do children really get from this programming7 Horsey’s suspicion is that children’s programming chiefly turns kids into TV addicts, not into readers or hap A. talk B. turn C. ask D. trust [单选题]调车作业中,车辆临时停在警冲标外方时,一批作业完了后,应立即送入()。
A.调车线 B.货物线 C.警冲标内方 D.专用线 [单选题]滑参数停机时,应控制主、再蒸汽温差不宜过大,对于合缸机组,主、再蒸汽温差要控制在( )℃以内。
A.10 B.30 C.50 D.80。 [判断题]《统规》货车车种分类表中集装箱车基本记号是J。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]塔式吊车轨道的固定支撑杆间距是( )。
A.1~2m B.3~4m C.4~6m D.5~6m [多选题]正确对待中华民族道德传统,不能()
A.全盘否定 B.全面照搬 C.全面抛弃 D.全盘肯定 [单选题]被称为“决渎之官”的是
A.胆 B.胃 C.三焦 D.小肠 E.膀胱 [单项选择]编制利润表的主要依据是( )。
A. 资产、负债及所有者权益账户的本期发生额 B. 各损益类账户的本期发生额 C. 资产、负债及所有者权益账户的期末余额 D. 各损益类账户的期末余额 [多选题]按照监管规定,()、()、()、()、(),无论人脸识别是否通过,都强制需要人工审核;其他业务,人脸识别未通过时,进入人工审核环节。
A.开卡 B.开立电子账户 C.信用卡面签 D.首次风险评估 E.境内外币同户名划转 [判断题]SW-160H型转向架检修时,定位转臂承簧台下部与轴箱体上部间隙应为≥3mm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]配电室进线部分杆塔或拉线基础被冲刷、破坏塌陷,使基础稳固受到较大影响者,属于( )
A.普通缺陷 B.一般缺陷 C.严重缺陷 D.危机缺陷 [单选题]LKJ进入“特殊前行”模式,输入的前行距离大于( )米无效。
A.50 B.100 C.150 [单选题]BJ02CG051439. 一般缺陷的处理时限为( )。
A. 一个月; B.三个月; C. 一年; D.六个月。 [单项选择]用LEC法进行作业环境危险性评价时,所依据的因素是:()
A. 污染面积和污染量 B. 危险概率、后果严重性和暴露频率 C. 事故损失和事故伤亡程度 [单选题]火场上钢构件大幅度变形或塌落,说明那里经历过500℃以上的高温,且受热时间在( )分钟以上。
A.15 B.30 C.45 D.60 我来回答: 提交