The English word "veto" means "I will
not permit". It is a way for one member of a group or government to
(61) action by other members. For example, the United Nations Security Council (62) five permanent members, the United States, China, Britain, France and Russia. (63) can use the veto to block action by the whole group. Britain and France did this in 1956. They vetoed a resolution (64) Israel to withdraw its forces from Egyptian territory. The most (65) use of the veto is by an executive over the legislative in a government with a president. The United States Constitution (66) such a veto. The (67) also says a president’s veto can be changed by a second vote of Congress. This is called overriding the president’s veto. For a bill to become law, (68) of the members of both houses o A. had voted B. had been voting C. have voted D. were voting [判断题]32.风险转移是指通过购买某种金融产品或采取其他合法的经济措施将风险转移给其他经济主体的一种风险管理办法。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当归补血汤重用黄芪为君,意在()。
A. 补气固表 B. 补气行血 C. 补气生血 D. 补气行水 E. 补气托毒 [填空题]对热阻乔路的连接要优先采用( )接法,这样可以在很大程度上减小连接导线( )变化带来的工作误差。
[填空题]天窗点外作业必须按规定设置驻站、现场防护员,室内外联系中断时必须停止作业,人员、工料机具撤至距线路安全距离 以外。
[单选题]对违反本规定使用警旗的单位应当( )并给予通报批评,依法依规追究相关人员责任;情节严重的,应当依法给予处分或者组织处理。
A.严肃处理 B.责令限期改正 C.责令改正 D.限期处理 [单项选择]茎细圆柱形,二回三出复叶,基部有稀疏细长毛的药材是( )
A. 鱼腥草 B. 金钱草 C. 薄荷 D. 细辛 E. 淫羊藿 [单选题]( )具有节税的作用。
A.普通股现金股利 B.普通股股票股利 C.优先股股利 D.长期借款利息 [单选题]项目部应指定()负责地下管线。
A.技术员 B.安全员 C.专人 D.施工员 [填空题]Insurance means coverage in the event of loss or destruction of property. First you may have insurance on your life. Life insurance means that upon your death a specific amount of money will be paid to your family. The reason for this type of insurance is to guarantee that your family will be able to continue to live a normal lifestyle after you.
Next, you have to insure your home and your property. The first type of property insurance you need is against fire and theft. This means if a fire destroys or damages your property or if your property is stolen, the insurance company will pay for your loss. Then you need to insure your car if you have. This is required by law. Your car is insured against loss the same as your home is insured. Besides, you have to insure against liability in the event that you cause an accident. This is especially true with a car, which can bring about a serious accident on the highway. There are many other types of insurance, which one ca [多选题]敦煌市的主要节日有( )。
A.丝绸之路节 B.晒腰腿 C.伏羲文化旅游节 D.滑沙节 E.四月八庙会 [单项选择]认为行政组织首脑权力来自人民委托的行政文化是( )
A. 血统论 B. 唯意志论 C. 法治论 D. 依附论 [单选题]根据《企业安全生产应急管理九条规定》要求,企业必须在险情或事故发生后,( )如实向当地政府及有关部门报告。
A.立即 B.做好先期处置后立即 C.险情得到控制后 D.处理完毕后 [多项选择]对建设单位的安全生产监督管理的内容包括()
A. 申领施工许可证时,提供建筑工程有关安全施工措施资料的情况 B. 定期巡视检查危险性较大工程作业情况 C. 按规定办理工程质量和安全监督手续的情况 D. 审查设计单位按照工程建设强制性标准进行设计情况 E. 履行合同约定工期的情况 [单项选择]中药作用的量效关系常呈现()
A. 量效关系明显 B. 量效关系很难表现 C. 无量效关系存在 D. 绝大多数呈量效关系变化 E. 以上均非 [多选题]电压互感器高压熔断器更换前,应核对高压熔断器()与被更换的一致,并验证其良好。
A.型号 B.技术参数 C.厂家 D.出厂批次 [单选题]预包装食品标签可以同时使用拼音和少数民族文字,拼音不得( )相应汉字。
A.大于 B.小于 C.等于 D.以上都可以 [多选题]通过vlanqinqsession语句配置SVLAN,说法正确的是
A.将数据流由customer口直接镜像到对应的Uplink接口 B.根据mac地址的学习查找uplink口 C.在对应的Uplink口将nativevlan作为ID的外层标签的替换成指定的外层标签 D.在对应的customer口将nativevlan作为ID的外层标签的替换成指定的外层标签 [判断题]多孔总长度大于或等于100m的桥属于中桥。
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