Teachers and other specialists in early
childhood education recognize that children develop at different rates. Given
anything that resembles a well-rounded life — with adults and other children to
listen to, talk to, do things with — their minds will acquire naturally all the
skills required for further learning. Take for example, reading. The two strongest predictors of whether children will learn to read easily and well at school are whether they have learned the names and the sounds of letters of the alphabet before they start school. That may seem to imply that letter names and sounds should be deliberately taught to young children, because these skills will not happen naturally. But in all the research programs where they have done just that — instructed children, rehearsed the names and so A. letter names and sounds are deliberately taught to them B. parents read stories very often without frustrating the children with questions C. they have never learned letters D. they play with letters unconsciously [单选题]电客车经过平交道口前,必须(),确认安全后,方可鸣笛动车。
A.一度停车 B.鸣笛 C.联控信号楼 D.联控派班室 [单选题] 第81题
无安全遮栏的情况下,人体与10-35KV带电体之间的最小安全距离是()米。 A. 2 B. 1.5 C. 1 D. 0.7 [判断题]M-521压差为5kpa时进行切换
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]秩和检验和t检验比较。秩和检验的优点是()
A. 检验的效率高 B. 计算方法简便 C. 公式更为合理 D. 不受分布限制 E. 易于学习掌握 [单选题]Transfix装置采集油样并完成脱气后,气样进入检测室进行():()
A.红外测量 B.光声测量 C.分光 D. 调制 [单选题]工业建筑中二级耐火等级建筑中的非承重外墙的耐火等级不应小于( )H.
A. 0.50 B. 1.00 C. 1.50 D. 2.00 [单项选择]提示狼疮性肾炎肾脏慢性损害表现的是()
A. 肾间质单核细胞浸润 B. 肾小球纤维素样坏死 C. 肾小球见透明栓子 D. 纤维素性新月体 E. 白细胞浸润 [判断题]一国政府于他国进行政策协调,可以减少国际收支失衡程度。()
[单选题]听到起床信号后,全体人员立即起床(值班员应当提前( )分钟起床),按照规定着装,迅速做好出操准备。
A.3 B.5 C.10 D.15 [单选题] 高速1/9单开道岔,其道岔支柱一般位于线间距( )处。
A.250mm B.300mm C.350mm D.400mm [单项选择]某柱下独立基础底面尺寸为2.5m×2.5m,埋深为1.5m,柱作用于基础顶面的轴心荷载为900kN,地基土为粉质黏土,重度γ=18.1kN/m3,饱和重度γsat=19.0kN/m3,地下水位在地表下0.5m处。取水的重度γw=10kN/m3,则基底附加压力为()。
A. 125.5kPa B. 126.0kPa C. 127.0kPa D. 134.0kPa [判断题]正线发生接触网停电,原则上行调预计停电时间超过20min时,经运营主管副总同意后,应组织隧道清客疏散乘客。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]站用交流不间断电源装置交流输入故障的现象有,监控系统发出()告警
A. UPS装置市电交流失电 B. 低压断路器跳闸 C. UPS装置蜂鸣器 D. UPS装置直流失电 [单项选择]急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎最常见的梗阻因素为()
A. 肿瘤或肿瘤压迫 B. 结石、蛔虫 C. 胆管狭窄 D. 慢性胰腺炎 E. 胆肠内引流后吻合口狭窄 [单选题]使用花盘、角铁装夹畸形工件,角铁两平面夹角( )。
A.成锐角 B.成钝角 C.应互相垂直 D.不做要求 [单选题]()标准为1435mm。
A.轨距 B.直线轨距 C.曲线轨距 D.道岔轨距 [单选题]住房和城乡建设部消息,今年我国计划新开工改造的老旧小区为( )个,涉及居民900多万户。
A. 4.3万 B. 5.3万 C. 3万 D. 6万 [多项选择]以下技术文件中,哪些属于计量技术法规()。
A. 地方计量检定规程 B. 国家计量检定系统表 C. 部门校准规范 D. 通用计量术语和定义 [填空题]
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. From the health point of view we are living in a marvelous
age. A large number of once {{U}} (36) {{/U}} illnesses can now be
{{U}} (37) {{/U}} by modem drugs and surgery. It is almost certain
that one day remedies will be found for the most {{U}} (38) {{/U}}
remaining diseases. The life {{U}} (39) {{/U}}
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