There is something that our bodies must
not have. We do not want to have illness or disease. When we are ill, we stay in
bed. We can’t work and we can’t play. We feel ill and we are unhappy. There is something that our bodies must not have. We do not want to have illness or disease. When we are iii, we stay in bed. We can’t work and we can’t play. We feel iii and we are unhappy. One cause of illness and disease is dirt. Dirt causes illness. If we want to see how dirt causes disease, we need a microscope. When we look at some dirt through a microscope,we can see germs.Dirt is full of germs but they are too small to see without a microscope.They are very,very small but they are alive.They can go inside things.When germs go inside fruit,the fruit becomes bad.We can’t eat it.When germs get in side milk,the milk becomes sour.We cannot drink it. When [填空题]Many countries will not allow cigarette advertising in their newspapers or on TV especially since the advertisements are usually written with young, people in mind. In (51) of advertising, the tobacco companies have begun to sponsor sports events. They give money to football, motor racing, tennis and a (52) of other sports on condition (53) the name of the cigarette is mentioned. This is now causing concern, because it does exactly (54) many ads tried to do—suggest that (55) has some relation with being strong and athletic.
In all this, the point of view of the non-smoking has to be considered, as (56) : "I wish the smokers would stop (57) the air. I wish I could eat in a restaurant (58) having to smell cigarette smoke." It has been calculated that, in a room (59) a large number of people are smoking, a (60) will breathe in the equivalent of two or three cigarettes during an evening. In fact, non-smokers are now [单项选择]下列哪项不是吐血的特征()
A. 可夹食物残渣 B. 血色紫暗或暗红成块 C. 多伴黑便 D. 呈泡沫样 E. 血随呕吐而出 [填空题]班主任是班级建设的设计者、班级组织的领导者和______。
A. 金属部件的厚度成正比 B. 金属温度成正比 C. 蒸汽和金属之间的传热量成正比 D. 金属温度成反比 [单项选择]中国的第一家旅行社现在的全称是()。
A. 中国旅行社 B. 中国国际旅行社 C. 中国华侨旅行社 D. 香港中国旅行社股份有限公司 [判断题]网络级通信系统的建立应满足各系统的集中整合、资源共享等需求。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]旅游的一个islandA. South B. East C. North
14. self-catering restaurant:
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.工作票签发人与工作负责人 E.略 F.略 [判断题]架空线线路下面,地下光缆和电缆线路上面,禁止植树
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]应隔离的操作电源、二次保险、空气小开关、电流部件和压板,应填入工作票中的安全措施栏。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]选择标准作业培训资源时,需要考虑( )、企业的特殊需要因素。
A.A、培训需求 B.B、培训目标 C.C、培训经费 D.D、培训方法 E.E、培训方案 [简答题]质量管理
A. 衔接了两个革命阶段 B. 扩大了人民民主范围 C. 概念表达准确鲜明 D. 中国革命的主要经验和主要纲领 我来回答: 提交