Frank Lloyd Wright probably is the greatest architect that the United States has ever produced. He was very (21) and had a natural ability (22) . His buildings were not only beautiful, but they were (23) functional. They fit their purposes very well. Wright’s churches, (24) make people feel like (25) . His office buildings make people (26) working, and his houses make people (27) comfortable, at home. However. Wright’s beautiful, (28) buildings are not the only reason (29) he is famous. There is another reason.
Frank Lloyd Wright is called the greatest American architect because he started an American style (30) . Most of the architecture in the U. S. before Wright was really European, (31) . Wright’s buildings do not (32) old European buildings. They have their own (33) . Wright’s ideas about style are still used in the U. S. and in other parts of the wor
A. to feel
B. feeling
C. feel
D. felt
Some people believe that you have to be
a special kind of person to sell a product. But although it is clear that a
successful salesman does need special talents and an open personality, many of
the skills be uses are used by us all. We build and keep relationships with different kinds of people, we listen to and take note of what they tell us and don’t just enjoy the sound of our own voices, and we explain things to them or discuss ideas with them. In the same way, any A. training local sales people B. protecting local customers C. holding regular sales conferences D. selling its products in the local area [单项选择]窥器检查可见宫颈糜烂面明显凹凸不平,为整个宫颈面积的2/3以上,宫颈活检除外宫颈癌。应诊断为
A. 颗粒型中度糜烂 B. 颗粒型重度糜烂 C. 乳突型轻度糜烂 D. 乳突型中度糜烂 E. 乳突型重度糜烂 [简答题]请说明AV5板上的硬件拨码开关S1、S2的作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高处作业的平台、走道、斜道等应装设不低于1.2m高的护栏,并设()mm高的挡脚板。
A.180 B.150 C.120 D.110 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]递质共存是指
A. 多个神经元内存在同一种递质 B. 一个神经元内只存在一种递质 C. 一个神经元可以同时存在两种不相同的递质 D. 两个神经元共存同一种递质 [单项选择]帧频代表的是 ( )
A. 超声的灵敏度 B. 超声的穿透力 C. 超声的轴向分辨率 D. 超声的时间分辨率 E. 超声的定位深度 [单选题]【单选题】当多轴飞行器飞远超出视线范围无法辨别机头方 向时,应对方式正确的是( )
A.定位地面站位置后通过地图确定机头方向 B.加大油门 C. 往后飞行 D. 以上都可能 [判断题]( )υmax>160 km/h正线上,75kg/m钢轨头部侧面磨耗12mm,达到重伤标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]BB01当站内泵机组发生着火爆炸事故时,应立即进行( )。
A.向站领导(值班干部)、上级调度汇报 B.进行ESD操作,全线紧急停输,通知上游降量或停输 C.关闭事故泵进出口阀门 D.迅速撤离到安全区域 [判断题]为保证机床导轨的正常工作,导轨的滑动表面之间应保持适当的间隙。间隙过大,会降低导向精度,引起加工质量等问题。
A.A、15 B.B、20 C.C、25 D.D、30 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]一类高层电信楼其墙面装修材料燃烧性能等级为( )。
A. A级 B. B1级 C. B2级 D. B3级 [单项选择]下列属于第二代磺酰脲类降糖药的是
A. 氯磺丙脲 B. 阿卡波糖 C. 格列齐特 D. 甲苯磺丁脲 E. 二甲双胍 [单选题]绝缘挡板用于10kV电压等级时,绝缘挡板的厚度不应小于( ),用于35kV电压等级时不应小于( )。
A.1mm 2mm B.2mm 3mm C.3mm 4mm D.3mm 5mm [单选题]集装箱运输车辆办理的ETC卡必须为( )。
A.储值卡 B.CPU C.记帐卡 D.银行卡 [单选题]同一机场连续放行数架同航迹不同速度的航空器,慢速航空器在前,快速航空器在后时:如果同高度飞行,应当保证在到达着陆机场上空或者转入另一航线或者改变高度层以前,后航空器与前航空器之间应当有( )分钟以上的间隔。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 10 D. 15 [单选题]属于高渗晶体溶液的是
A. 5%葡萄糖 B. 11.2%乳酸钠 C. 20%甘露醇 D. 低分子右旋糖酐 E. 羟乙基淀粉 [多选题]开展出水科目训练前,应检查器材装备性能,( )的器材装备不得用于出水训练。
A.磨损严重 B.性能下降 C.存在安全隐患 [单选题]未经国家批准擅自发行、销售彩票,构成犯罪的,应当以()。
A.非法经营罪定罪处罚 B.赌博罪定罪处罚 C.开设赌场罪定罪处罚 D.赌博罪和非法经营罪数罪并罚 [简答题]巡视人员在巡视充换电站过程中发现充电机、充电桩外壳有漏电、设备响声异常、产生烟雾火花及严重缺陷时应采取哪些措施?
社会公正既是一个古老恒久的话题,又是一个常谈常新的话题。 [判断题]脱硫剂卸完后,马上进入塔内清除塔垢及卸出瓷球。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]减少碘摄入量是甲亢的基础治疗之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 闪点越高的物质,火灾危险性越小。( )(难)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The author says that old family firms ______.
A. were mined by the younger generations B. failed for lack of individual initiative C. lacked efficiency compared with modern companies D. were able to supply adequate services to taxpayers [单项选择]在发生突发公共事件时,客运经营者要()。
A. 服从县以上政府或有关部门的统一调度指挥 B. 不用服从调度,自行参与 C. 远离事件,以免麻烦 [判断题]对听力不好的老年人,供电营业员应将声音适当提高,语速放慢。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》规定,作业人员应接受相应的安全生产教育和岗位技能培训,( )上岗。
A.直接 B.经考试合格 C.经考试后 D.经领导批准后 我来回答: 提交