Public speaking fills most people with
dread. Humiliation is the greatest fear; self-exposure and failing to appeal to
the audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are
pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all
kinds. Most people have plenty of insecurities, {{B}}and this{{/B}} seems like a situation that will bring them out. If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways. While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better. Some very shy people manage to shine. When I met the British comedian Julian Clary, he was shy and cautious, yet his TV performances are perfect. In fact, personality is not the best predictor of who does it well. Reg A. their upbringing very early on B. their inability to appeal to the audience C. their sense of greater public pressure D. their sense of greater humiliation [单项选择]在动力沉降中对沉降速度影响最大的参数()。
A. 悬浮颗粒直径 B. 悬浮物重度与清液重度之差 C. 悬浮液的粘度 [判断题]胶接作业前用钢丝刷、扁铲将钢轨胶接范围内的油泥、浮锈清除后,再用角磨机打磨钢轨内外侧腹部及上下1:3斜面进行除锈。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]春冬季,C类地区的立式金属罐储存汽油时的定额损耗率是( )。
A.0.01% B.0.03% C.0.11% D.0.12% [单选题]铁路调度通信磁石接口标称阻抗( )。
A.500Ω B.600Ω C.700Ω D.800Ω [单选题]"苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之"体现了一种( )
A.同仇敌忾,抗御外侮的爱国主义优良传统 B.维护祖国统一,反对分裂的爱国主义优良传统 C.开发祖国河山,创造中华文明的爱国主义优良传统 D.热爱祖国,矢志不渝的爱国主义优良传统 [单选题]用物理方法杀灭细菌称( )
A. 消毒法 B. 抗菌术 C. 灭菌术 D. 无菌术 E. 隔离术 [单选题]带式输送机包括卸载架、机头架和( )。
A.油泵 B.马达 C.驱动装置 [单选题] 更换辙叉后要对辙叉位置进行摆正,保证轨距、( )、护背距离符合要求。 (1分)
A.心轨宽度 B.翼轨宽度 C.护轨宽度 D.查照间隔 [单项选择]たなかさんに おいしい レストランを おしえて もらったので いってみると、 ( ) とても おいしかったです。
A. ちっとも B. すこしも C. あまり D. なるほど [判断题]2.57 车辆管理所在受理机动车登记申请时,对申请材料不齐全或者其他不符合法定形式的,可以多次告知申请人需要补正的全部内容。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交