African American women’s search for
societal acceptance often encompasses struggle between natural and socially
constructed ideas of beauty. As an essential component in traditional African
societies, cosmetic modification is ritualized to emphasize natural features of
blackness. Defined by social occasion such as childhood development maturity,
indicators of marital status or the group to which you belong, beautification of
the hair and body play an essential role. In our racially conscious society,
presenting a physical image and being accepted is a complex negotiation between
two different worlds. Hair is an outward expression of culture and heritage. It also represents a sense of personal style. In the search for the African American identity, blacks have undergone many different changes in hairstyle. Hairstyles are cultura A. Because they tried to keep socially fashionable. B. Because they did not have their own standards of beauty. C. Because they were not well educated as white Americans. D. Because they wanted to become part of the mainstream. [填空题]纳气平喘剂药名:()功效:降气化痰,温肾纳气主治:上盛下虚、气逆痰壅所致的咳嗽喘息、胸膈满闷。
A.运营公司主办部门 B.车辆维修单位 C.技术及设备管理部门 D.安全管理部门 [简答题]世界三大园林类型
A.A.黑色柔软 B.B.入水漂浮 C.C.切面有液体流出 D.D.竖立不倒 E.E.切开无阻刀感 [多项选择]下列哪些不符合推出仪的主要技术指标()。
A. 额定推力20kN B. 额定行程80mm C. 相对测量范围20%-80% D. 示值相对误差±5% [判断题]施工计划中注明行车方式时,施工单位在登记时对行车方式应登记“行车方式按施工日计划执行”。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交