There seems never to have been a
civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown. They
probably came about just to give children something to do. (76) {{U}}In the ancient world, as is today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another. In societies where social roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls after the tasks of their mothers. {{/U}}This is true because boys and girls are being prepared, even in play, to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world. (77) {{U}}What is remarkable about the history of toys is not se much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained the same. {{/U}}The changes have been mostly in terms of craftsman ship, mechanics, and technology. I A. their social roles are rigidly determined B. most boys would like to follow their fathers’ professions C. boys like to play with their fathers while girls with their mothers D. they like challenging activities [单选题]一般事故分为( )。
A.2类 B.3类 C.4类 D.5类 [填空题]A.好的,听你的。
B.我也不认识。 C.如果一个人走,会很害怕的。 D.有饺子吧 我想吃饺子。 E.中国茶很好喝。 F.比赛六点开始,现在差五分六点。 这段路比较黑,没有路灯。 [单项选择]以下成像方法,哪项对诊断颅脑病变价值最小()
A. CT B. MRI C. DSA D. 平片 E. 透视 [单项选择]4号齿轮铣刀用以铣削21~25齿数范围的齿轮,该号铣刀的齿形按下列哪一个齿数齿轮的齿槽轮廓制作()。
A. 21 B. 22 C. 23 D. 24 E. 25 [单选题]在依法必须招标的工程范围内,对于重要设备.材料等货物的采购,河北省规定其单项合同估算价在( )万元人民币以上的,必须进行招标。
A.50 B.100 C.150 D.200 [单选题]急性左心功能不全,注射吗啡的机制错误的是:( )
A.扩张外周血管 B.收缩外周血管 C.镇静 D.改善呼吸困难 E.减轻烦躁 [单选题]车钩中心水平线距钢轨顶面高度为( )mm。
A.855~890 B.875~890 C.815~890 D.805~890 [填空题]高层货架仓库目前最高的已经达到______多米,它的单位面积储存量比普通的仓库高得多。
A. 生产实践 B. 政治实践 C. 思维实践 D. 科学实验 [单选题]关于巨人症病因和临床表现,下列正确的是:( ) 。
A. 成年后生长激素过多 B. 青春期生长激素过多 C. 成年后甲状腺激素减少 D. 青春期甲状腺激素过多 [判断题]收货人向车站查找行李、包裹时,应认真予以查找。如已经领取,应收取查询费。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]清水混凝土可分为()。
A. 普通清水混凝土 B. 特殊清水混凝土 C. 饰面清水混凝土 D. 高强清水混凝土 E. 装饰清水混凝土 [单选题]我国古代的许多人为民族融合与发展作出了杰出贡献。下列各人物与其功绩对应有误的一项是()。
A.东汉班超出使西域,帮助西域各族摆脱了匈奴的束缚和奴役 B.唐朝僧人玄奘西游印度,促进了中印文化交流 C.文成公主奉命和亲,使纺织、造纸、酿酒等工艺传人突厥 D.北魏孝文帝实行一系列汉化改革,促进了北方民族大融合 我来回答: 提交