Even ancient Egypt’s mighty pyramid builders were powerless in the face of the famine that helped bring down their civilization around 2180 BC. Now evidence gleaned from mud deposited by the River Nile suggests that a shift in climate thousands of kilometers to the south was ultimately to blame-and the same or worse could happen today.
The ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile’s annual floods to irrigate their crops. But any change in climate that pushed the African monsoons southwards out of Ethiopia would have been diminished these floods.
Dwindling rains in the Ethiopian highlands would have meant fewer plants to stablise the soil. When rain did fall it would have washed large amounts of soil into the Blue Nile and into Egypt, along with sediment from the White Nile.
The Blue Nile mud has a different isotope signature from that of the White Nile. So by analyzing i
A. The White Nile is the trunk of the River Nile.
B. The white Nile is the trunk of the Blue Nile.
C. The White Nile is a branch of the Blue Nile.
D. The White Nile and the Blue Nile are branches of the River Nile.
When I was 16 years old, I made my first
visit to the United States. It wasn’t the first time I had been{{U}} (56)
{{/U}}. Like most English children I learned French at school and I had
of-ten{{U}} (57) {{/U}}to France, so I was used{{U}} (58)
{{/U}}a foreign language to people who didn’t under- stand{{U}} (59)
{{/U}}. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to{{U}}
(60) {{/U}}a nice easy holiday without any{{U}} (61)
{{/U}}problems. How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a {{U}} (62) {{/U}}telephone to give my American friend Danny a{{U}} (63) {{/U}}and tell her I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me{{U}} (64) {{/U}}lost and asked{{U}} (65) {{/U}}he could help me. "Yes," I said, "I want to give my friend a ring." "Well, that’s{{U}} (66) {{/U}}"he exclaimed. "Are A. ring B. letter C. word D. message [判断题]主网协议库存跨省调剂流程,国网物资调配中心对省公司相关协议的执行进度、物资到货日期$;$等合理性进行审核。计划部对需求计划是否满足核准要求、预审报告等内容进行审核,通过后由国网物资调配中心组织开展调剂方案征询、生成匹配方案、发起匹配方案流转等工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]进路上局部(个别)道岔联锁失效、轨道电路故障时,对进路有关道岔能用设备锁闭的,应优先使用设备锁闭。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女,22岁,就诊前40分钟口服对硫磷100ml,护士为该患者洗胃时不宜选用的溶液是()。
A. 清水 B. 1:5000高锰酸钾溶液 C. 温开水 D. 生理盐水 E. 2%碳酸氢钠溶液 [单选题]孕妇,28 岁,经产妇,孕 39 周,因腹痛难忍急诊入院。检查宫口已开 4cm ,住院处
护士应首先 A.送入产房待产 B.办理入院手续 C.给予吸氧 D.嘱绝对卧床休息 E.让产妇步行进入病区 [单项选择]已知某投资项目折现率为11%时,净现值为1700万元,折现率为12%时,净现值为-870万元。则该投资项目的内部收益率是( )。
A. 11.12% B. 11.36% C. 11.66% D. 12.95% [单项选择]He is a well-trained musician who can perceive very small differences in sound.
A. appreciate B. understand C. conceive D. find [单选题]属于危险化学品泄漏事故、交通事故、建(构)筑物倒塌事故等处置的力量编成的是?
A.由1个灭火编队、1个抢险编队、1个举高编队共6辆消防车组成,有排烟、照明编队的支队应增派排烟、照明编队 B.由2个灭火编队、1个抢险编队共6辆消防车组成,有排烟、照明编队的支队应增派排烟、照明编队。 C.由1个高喷编队、1个灭火编队、1个抢险编队共6辆消防车组成,有防化编队的支队增派防化编队。 D.由1个灭火编队和1个抢险编队4辆消防车组成。其中处置危险化学品泄漏事故时,有防化编队的支队应增派防化编队;处置交通事故、建(构)筑物倒塌事故时,有破拆编队的支队应增派破拆编队。 [多选题]建设社会主义新农村的要求是()
A.生产发展、生活宽裕 B.乡风文明、村容整洁 C.管理民主 D.提高农民收入 [单选题]各单位可根据实际情况制定《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(信息部分)》的( ),经本单位批准后执行。
A.使用细则 B.实施细则 C.实施守则 D.规定方案 [判断题]道岔作业结束前,禁止提前合上安全遮断器。在驼峰快速动作道岔上作业时须放置安全木楔。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者小便黄赤灼热,尿血鲜红,心烦口渴,面赤口疮,夜寐不安,舌红,脉数。其治法是()
A. 清肝凉血,化瘀止血 B. 清利湿热,凉血止血 C. 清热泻火,凉血止血 D. 清心泻火,宁络止血 E. 清热生津,宁络止血 [单选题] ( )是一种碱性肥料,不宜与铵态氮混施,以免造成氮损失。
A.氨水 B.碳酸钾 C.窑灰钾肥 D.草木灰 [判断题]集中式水棚的用水量按巷道断面积计算:主要水棚不小于400L/m2,辅助水棚不小于200L/m2;
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]以下属于建设行政法规的有( )。
A. 《建筑业企业资质管理规定》 B. 《建设工程质量管理条例》 C. 《实施工程建设强制性标准监督规定》 D. 《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》 E. 《建设工程勘察设计管理条例》 [单项选择]对于建设工程的风险识别来说,不论采用何种风险识别方法组合,都必须包括( )。
A. 专家调查法 B. 风险调查法 C. 经济数据法 D. 初始清单法 [单选题]弘扬中国精神,对于维系中华民族的生存与发展、维护国家统一和民族团结发挥着重要的凝聚作用。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.答案错误,自行解答 [判断题]( ) 施工单位在采用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料时,应当对作业人员进行相应的安全生产教育培训。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交