Ten years ago, when environmental
lawyer Kassie Siegel went in search of an animal to save the world, the polar
bear wasn’t at all an obvious choice. Siegel and Brendan Cummings of the Center
for Biological Diversity in Joshua Tree, Calif. , were looking for a species
whose habitat was disappearing due to climate change, which could serve as a
symbol of the dangers of global warming. Her first candidate met the
scientific criteria—it lived in ice caves in Alaska’s Glacier Bay, which were
melting away—but unfortunately it was a spider. You can’t sell a lot of T shirts
with pictures of an animal most people would happily step on. Next, Siegel turned to the Kittlitz’s murrelet, a small Arctic seabird whose nesting sites in glaciers were disappearing. In 2001, she petitioned the Department of the Interior to add it to the Endanger A. call on people to take actions against global warming B. make people aware of the danger of environmental damage C. introduce to people a new concept of environmental protection D. remind people of the importance of protecting endangered species [判断题]生产经营单位应当加强重大危险源管理,建立重大危险源辨识登记、安全评估、报告备案、监控整改、应急救援等工作机制。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 集中监测是信号设备维护、测试的专用系统,必须( )。与非信号系统接口时,应经总公司运输局电务部批准。 (0.5分)
A.自成体系 B.单独成网 C.独立运行 D.双机热备 [判断题]{{B}}Part A{{/B}}
{{I}}You will hear a talk on the benefits of reading good books. As you listen, answer Questions 1~10 by circling {{B}}TRUE{{/B}} or {{B}}FALSE{{/B}}. You will hear the talk {{B}}ONLY ONCE{{/B}}.
You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1~10.{{/I}}Our human friends sometimes may make us bored, but the friends in books may also be hurt by us.
[单选题]李某违反《道路交通安全法》的相关规定,某区公安机关交管部门暂扣其机动车驾驶证,应当出具( )。
A.行政处罚决定书 B.行政强制措施凭证 C.暂扣机动车驾驶证通知书 D.暂扣机动车驾驶证凭证 [多选题]职业道德教育的原则有()
A.正面引导的原则 B.说服疏导的原则 C.因材施教的原则 D.注重实践的原则 [多项选择]津液的输布和排泄主要通过
A. 胃 B. 脾 C. 肾 D. 肺 E. 三焦 [简答题]宋应星
该项目可行性研究可分为( )阶段。
A.机会研究 B.初步可行性研究 C.项目建议书 D.最终可行性研究和项目评估决策 [单项选择]银行本票的提示付款期限,自出票之日起最长不得超过( )个月。
A. 1 B. 3 C. 2 D. 6 我来回答: 提交