Last month the first baby-boomers turned 60. The bulky generation born between 1946 and 1964 is heading towards retirement. The looming“demographic cliff”will see vast numbers of skilled workers dispatched from the labour force. The workforce is ageing across the rich world. Within the EU the number of workers aged between 50 and 64 will increase by 25% over the next two decades,while those aged 20-29 will decrease by 20%. In Japan almost 20% of the population is already over 65,the highest share in the world. And in the United States the number of workers aged 55 64 will have increased by more than half in this decade, at the same time as the 35-to 44-year-olds decline by 10%. Given that most societies are geared to retirement at around 65,companies have a looming problem of knowledge m A. a loss of knowledge and experience to many companies. B. a decrease in the number of 35- to 44-year-olds. C. a continuous increase in the number of 50- to 64-year-olds. D. its impact on the developed world whose workforce is ageing. [判断题]中国第一个有明确政治纲领和组织机构的资产阶级革命政党 就是中国同盟会。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择]法的实现的评价标准具有复杂性。下列社会事态中,哪些可以作为法的实现的评价标准
A. 刑事案件的发案率 B. 普通公民对法律的了解程度 ` C. 社会大众对社会生活中安全、秩序、自由等法的价值的切身感受 D. 有关法律活动的成本与收益的比率 [单选题]以下不属于计算机软件系统的是______。
A.程序 B.程序使用的数据 C.外存储器 D.与程序相关的文档 [单选题] 刑事拘留一般为3至7日,最多不得超过( )日。
A.37 B.15 C.45 D.20 [单选题]目前,海上定位常用的方法是()
A.交会定位 B.导线测量 C.三角测量 D.卫星定位 [单选题]下列那项不属于移动用户功能?()
A.场强指示 B.自动越区切换 C.转接 D.自动登录 [多选题]抗弯连接器出现()时,严禁使用。
A.裂纹 B.变形 C.磨损严重 D.连接件拆卸不灵活 [不定项选择题]出现下列情况行政复议机关可以变更原具体行政行为的有:( )
A.具体行政行为事实清楚,证据确凿,但程序违法 B.具体行政行为事实清楚,证据确凿,程序合法,但适用依据错误 C.具体行政行为事实不清,证据不足,行政复议机关经审理查明事实的 D.具体行政行为事实清楚,证据不足,程序合法,但处理明显不当 [判断题]闪蒸罐排渣过程中,如发现浆渣罐放空量过大,浆渣罐则按有水处理。立即关闭闪蒸罐下料阀,打开消防水泡给浆渣罐降温,在确认浆渣罐无放空后才可拆除浆渣罐。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]“省”在古汉语中的意思是:()
A. 侯国 B. 回家 C. 节省 D. 从属 [多项选择]输卵管结核感染的途径,正确的是().
A. 血行感染 B. 经腹膜直接蔓延 C. 经腹腔内淋巴结逆行传播 D. 经阴道上行的直接感染 E. 以上行感染最多 [填空题]一期、二期冷水池的液位控制范围是()米、热水池的液位控制在()米。
A. 碳酸钙结石 B. 尿酸结石 C. 黄嘌呤结石 D. 磷酸盐结石 E. 胱氨酸结石 [判断题]( )不管服装画的表现手法有多少种,夸张手法最适合初学者打基础。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交