The fact that superior service can
generate a competitive advantage for a company does not mean that every attempt
at improving service will create such an advantage. Investments in service, like
those in production and distribution, must be balanced against other types of
investments on the basis of direct, tangible benefits such as cost reduction and
increased revenues. If a company is already effectively on a par with its
competitors because it provides service that avoids a damaging reputation and
keeps customers from leaving at an unacceptable rate, then investment in higher
service levels may be wasted, since service is a deciding factor for customers
only in extreme situations. This truth was not apparent to managers of one regional bank, which failed to improve its competitive position despite its investment in reduci A. It enabled the bank to retain customers at an acceptable rate. B. It threatened to weaken the bank’s competitive position with respect to other regional banks. C. It had already been improved after having caused damage to the bank’s reputation in the past. D. It was slightly superior to that of the bank’s regional competitors. [简答题]扩大内需要不要发展医药产业:在全球金融危机不断深化的情况下,扩大内需已经成为下一步国内经济工作的首要任务。很多人提出可以发展医药产业来积极的促进内需,实际上很多地方也将医药产业作为支柱产业来发展。你如何看待发展医药产业对扩大内需的作用?应不应该以医药产业作为支柱产业?
[判断题]侧支循环是静脉有丰富的吻合支。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在工程预付款中,预储备料款的限额由( )等主要因素决定,
A. 料款的价格 B. 主要材料占工程造价的比重 C. 材料储备期 D. 施工工期 E. 材料保管储存的方式 [单选题]大数据时代,数据使用的关键是____
A.数据收集 B.数据存储 C.数据分析 D.数据再利用 [单选题]21.应急物资的使用是应急管理的重要一环,其中正压式呼吸器充好空气后,按中等强度劳动消耗量计算可使用约( )。
A.30min B.45min C.60min D.90min [多选题]扑救带电设备、线路初起火灾可以运用灭火器具有( )。
A.二氧化碳 B.干粉 C.泡沫 D.水 E.1211 [单选题] 第908题可以使线路在短时间内继续运行的缺陷为( )。
A.重大缺陷 B.紧急缺陷 C.一般缺陷 D.三种缺陷都可以 我来回答: 提交