The crucial years of the Depression, as
they are brought into historical focus, increasingly emerge as the decisive
decade for American art, if not for American culture in general For it was
during this decade that many of the conflicts which had blocked the progress of
American art in the past came to a head and sometimes boiled over. Janus-faced,
the thirties look backward, sometimes as far as the Renaissance; and at the same
time forward, as far as the present and beyond. It was the moment when artists,
like Thomas Hart Benton, who wished to turn back the clock to regain the virtues
of simpler times came into direct conflict with others, like Stuart Davis and
Frank Lloyd Wright, who were ready to come to terms with the Machine Age and to
deal with its consequences. America in the thirties was changing rapidly. In many areas A. reactionary B. consistent C. dynamic D. melancholic [单选题]保障商业信用这种直接融资方式顺利发展的必要条件是存在发达健全的( )。
A.借贷市场 B.贴现市场 C.外汇市场 D.证券市场 [单选题]连接于线路终端的变压器称为降压变压器,其一次侧额定电压与输电线路的电压等级()。
A.相差10% B.相差20% C.相差30% [判断题]
航空业的基础是航空器制造业。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患儿,3岁。8月18日急诊住院。发热4d,第1天曾见皮肤少量皮疹,次日隐退。体温40.1℃,神识昏糊,谵语妄动,抽风2次,大便3日未解。最可能的诊断是
A. 癫痫 B. 疫毒痢 C. 麻疹邪陷心肝 D. 感冒夹惊 E. 流行性乙型脑炎 [单选题]带电接引线时未接通相的导线、带电断引线时已断开相的导线,应在采取( )后方可触及。
A.防感应电措施 B.绝缘隔离措施 C.防坠落措施 D.断电措施 [单选题]8 BTS与BSC之间通过(?? )接口通信。
A.A、Um B.B、Abis C.C、Ater D.D、ABSI [单项选择]
The death rate from influenza rose markedly in the 1990’s, federal scientists reported. The explanation, they said, is that a greater proportion of the population is elderly and thus particularly susceptible to flu. There was an average of 36,000 flu deaths a year in the 1990’s as compared to 20,000 a year in previous decades, the investigators, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Ninety percent of influenza deaths were in people 65 and older, said Dr. Keiji Fukuda, the principal researcher for the study. But Dr. Fukuda and his colleagues reported that the virus was especially deadly in people over 85, who might be up to 32 times more likely than those 65 to 69 to die from a flu infection. [判断题]广播系统通过传输系统提供的以太网共线通道组网。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](208388)( )《铁路技术管理规程》规定新设备(包括改造后的设备)投入使用前须有操作规程、竣工图纸等技术文件和保证安全生产的办法与管理细则,经过技术测验合格并对有关人员进行培训后,方可使用。( )(2.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]保证由其负责的停、送电和许可工作的命令正确是( )的安全责任。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人(监护人) D.专责监护人 [单项选择]If there was one thing Americans had a right to expect from Congress, it was a federal plan to help the elderly pay for prescription drugs. It is a promise that has been made again and again—in particularly high decibels during the last presidential election. The House and Senate have passed bills, and although both are flawed, this page has urged Congress to finish work on them as a first step toward fulfilling this longstanding commitment.
Unfortunately, things have changed. The government cannot afford the program now. That is the fault of President Bush and the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. They broke the bank with their enormous tax cuts. The country is facing the largest budget deficit in history, and there is no realistic plan for getting it under control. The limited version of a prescription drug benefit now being considered in Congress would cost about $ 400 billion over 10 years. Older Americans had a right to expect that help, but they do not A. $ 40 billion. B. $180 billion. C. $ 400 billion. D. $ 500 billion. [单项选择]关节脱位的体征哪一项不正确
A. 畸形 B. 正常部位空虚感 C. 弹性固定 D. 异常活动 E. 剧痛 [简答题]他的成功与其说是由于机遇, 不如说是由于努力。
A. 2003年 B. 2006年 C. 2008年 D. 2007年 [简答题]对于中国刑法中死刑的存废问题,目前国内法学界讨论甚为热烈。请从中国的实际出发,结合法学理论,或以死刑制度本身为讨论对象,或以具体罪名的死刑适用问题为例,谈谈你个人的看法。
答题要求: 1.在分析、评价的基础上,提出观点并运用法学知识阐述理由; 2.说理清楚,逻辑严谨,语言流畅,表达准确; 3.字数不少于500字。 [多选题] 下列情形中,经警告无效的,人民警察可以使用驱逐性、制服性警械的有( )
A. 殴打他人的 B. 拒不交代违法犯罪事实的 C. 非法举行游行的 D. 结伙斗殴的 [单选题]与气的生成关系密切的脏腑是
A.肝、脾、肾 B.肺、肝、肾 C.肺、脾、肾 D.心、脾、肾 E.心、肝、肾 [单项选择]抗结核药联合用药的目的不包括
A. 增强抗菌效果 B. 延缓细菌耐药 C. 减少不良反应 D. 交叉消灭耐药菌株 E. 扩大抗菌范围 [多选题] 奔赴火场,是指消防车驶出车库至到达火场的过程。包括( )。 ( 1.分
A. 选择行车路线 B. 保持途中联络 C. 做好战斗准备 D. 应对意外事件和保证行驶安全 [判断题]母线保护主要功能包括母线差动保护、距离保护、母线充电保护;母差保护原理均为比率制动,方式变化自适应。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]第2磨牙处颊黏膜出现白色针尖样斑点多见于( )
A. 鹅口疮 B. 麻疹 C. 肾上腺皮质功能减退 D. 维生素C缺乏 E. 以上都不是 [单项选择]
难产又称( )
A. 数堕胎 B. 子难 C. 胞阻 D. 子病 E. 子烦 [多项选择]《水利水电土建工程施工合同条件》通用条款规定,监理人有权要求撤换那些()的人员,承包人应及时予以撤换。
A. 不能胜任本职工作 B. 行为不端 C. 玩忽职守 D. 努力工作 E. 勤奋认真 [单选题]电液系列转辙机(含SH转换锁闭器)动作杆与圆孔套,表示(锁闭)杆与方孔套的间隙不应大于( )
A.0.5mm B.1.0mm C.1.5mm D.2.0mm [多选题]关于电抽搐治疗,以下哪几项正确( )
A..电抽搐治疗难以被病人或家属接受 B..电抽搐治疗只适应躁狂、极度兴奋状态的精神病病人 C..电抽搐治疗也适用于严重抑郁、有强烈自伤、自杀的精神病病人 D..电抽搐治疗的不良反应是短暂的记忆障碍 E..药物治疗无效才采用电抽搐 [多选题]以下关于影响电流互感器测量误差的因素叙述正确的有(____)。
A.一次电流比一次额定电流小的多时,不足以建立激磁误差较大 B.一次电流大大超过一次额定电流时,磁路饱和,误差很大 C.二次负载功率因数COSφ直接影响电流误差ΔI%的大小 D.二次负载阻抗对电流误差ΔI%没有影响 [简答题]安全生产监督检查人员在执行监督检查任务时要做到哪几点?
[单选题] 随着钢中碳含量的增加,加热时过烧的倾向性______。
A.增加 B.减少 C.不变 D.不确定 [单选题]特种设备在投入使用前或者投人使用后( )内,使用单位应向直辖市或者设区的市的特种设备安全监督管理部门登记。登记标志应当置于或者附着于该特种设备的显著位置。
A.7日 B.30日 C.15日 D.60日 [单选题]女性客运人员可佩戴一副直径不超过()耳钉。(《动车组服务质量规范》第7.1.3规定)
A.2毫米 B.2.5毫米 C.3.5毫米 D.3毫米 [单选题]下列符合1型糖尿病特征的是
A.多见于中老年 B.起病缓慢 C.症状较轻 D.易发生酮症酸中毒 E.血C肽测定正常 [单选题]既有电阻的串联,又有电阻的并联的电路称为()。
A.简单电路 B.复杂电路 C.混联电路 D.串并联电路 [单项选择]患者,男性40岁,饱餐后出现上腹剧痛,伴恶心、呕吐、腹胀2h,来院急诊。查血,淀粉酶2000温氏单位,尿淀粉酶80温氏单位。卜列哪项可不作观察重点
A. 生命体征 B. 腹胀腹痛,肠鸣音 C. 人便次数 D. 咖气分析,血、尿淀粉酶结果 E. 尿量、意识 [判断题]无意识的选择方式导致每个人都想占有并繁殖最优质的个体动物。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交