{{B}}Morning, noon and night{{/B}} {{I}}{{B}}The long-hours culture at work{{/B}}{{/I}} Working an eight-hour day is a luxury for most professional people. Nowadays, the only way to guarantee an eight-hour working day is to have the kind of job where you clock on and off. Those professionals who have managed to limit their hours to what was, 20 years ago, the average do not wish to identify themselves. ’I can quite easily achieve my work within a normal day, but I don’t like to draw attention to it,’ says one sales manager A. A.They lack the communication skills that modern business requires. B.Many employers would not regard requests for shorter hours favourably. C.Most employers do not want to be responsible for the professional development of staff. D.They have difficulties adapting to the rapid changes occurring in working practices. [单项选择]根据我国《选举法》规定,我国农村每一代表所代表的人口数,是城市每一代表所代表的人口数的( )倍。
A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 3 [单项选择]不属于Access窗体视图的是( )。
A. “设计”视图 B. “页面”视图 C. “窗体”视图 D. “数据表”视图 [单项选择]模拟训练这种培训形式通常是借助()技术,使培训具有工作现场的真实性。它适用于对操作技能性强,生产设备高、精、尖岗位的培训,通过现实环境下的反复操作,解决实际出现的问题,为实际工作打下基础。
A. 计算机技术 B. 系统控制技术 C. 仿真技术 D. 光电技术 [判断题]反映汽轮机汽轮发电机组热经济性最完善的经济指标是热耗率。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全帽多长时间更换?
A.1-2年 B.2-3年 C.2-4年 D.5年 [填空题]What will an Autoweb. com Dealer do for us
He will ______ and inform us of the vehicle’s availability. [简答题]简述意识的本质。
[单选题]TYJL-Ⅱ型计算机联锁采用双套互为备用的系统时,备用系统有( )种工作状态.
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [判断题] 正常电流采样原理是电流进线经过CT电流互感器后,通过电流采样电阻进入计量芯片。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]腿肉裹粉描述不正确的是
A.用裹面粉覆盖腿肉 B.按压每片腿肉 C.在水中抖动侵篮,使腿肉更容易挂浆 D.在不锈钢锅上方滴水3秒并抖动10次 [多项选择]接触网测温作业分别利用()测量测温距离、环境温度和湿度,并根据测量结果设置好测量距离、大气温度、相对湿度等参数。
A. 测距仪 B. 温度计 C. 湿度计 D. 激光测量仪 我来回答: 提交