{{B}}Personal Selling{{/B}} Personal selling is a process of informing potential buyers about and persuading them to purchase a product. It is the most flexible of all promotional methods because it allows marketers to communicate specific information that might trigger a purchase. Of all the promotional activities, only personal selling can zero in on a prospect and attempt to persuade the prospect to make a purchase. Although personal selling has a lot of advantages, it is one of the most costly forms of promotion. A sales mil on an industrial customers in the U.S. can cost as much as $ 200or $ 300. Many products require personal selling A. competition B. flexibility C. complexity D. heavy cost [多选题]根据我国法律和司法实践,以下属于善意第三人合法占有的财产有( )。
A.买主甲在不知道是不是赃车的情况下,收购了一辆无任何凭证的进口轿车 B.债权人乙在不知道欠债人陈某还债的200元钱是偷来的情况下,收下了债款 C.丙与李某是好朋友,李是个瘾君子,一次李某毒瘾发作让丙给他找毒品,答应事后将其与妻子共有的一套房子赠予丙。事后李某偷了其妻子身份证,通过正常手续自愿无偿将该房子过户给了丙 D.丁通过拍卖,依法受买了委托人盗得的一张字画 [单选题]下面那种类型间的转换是被Hive查询语言所支持的__()
A.Double-->Number B.BIGINT-->DOUBLE C.INT-->BIGINT D.STRING-->DOUBLE [简答题]The theory of social Darwinism generally claims that individuals, groups and peoples or cultures are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as are plants and animals.
The theory holds that "superior" individuals or groups survived and succeeded while the inferior disappeared, with a consequent benefit to society, and that the existing order must be the natural one. Any individual, group or institution that survives the struggle to exist over a long period of time is regarded as having displayed evidence for its own "natural" superiority and legitimacy, similar to the Darwinian concept of "survival of the fittest". In history, this theory has been questioned because it could be easily used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism.
[判断题]>由于变压器一、二次绕组匝数不相等,因此一、二绕组中的感应电势大小和频率都不相等。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1 mm
A.1 mm B.2 mm C.3 mm D.4 mm [判断题]中暑是指在高温和热辐射的长时间作用下,机体体温调节障碍,水电解质代谢紊乱及神经系统功能损害的症状的总称。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]患者女,50岁,因“头痛、头晕(非旋转性)伴双膝关节阵发性疼痛1个月”来诊。1年前有右输尿管结石病史,已治愈。查体:虚弱貌,右颈前外侧饱满,右胸锁乳突肌内侧可扪及约3cm×3cm的质韧肿物,轻压痛,随吞咽上下活动。对患者的诊断有重要参考意义的检查有()
A. 血、尿、粪常规 B. 胸部X线片 C. 骨X线片 D. 血清钙、磷 E. 24h尿钙、磷排泄量 F. 颈部B型超声、CT [单项选择]肝阳上亢的治则是()
A. 扶土抑木 B. 滋水涵木 C. 培土生金 D. 佐金平木 E. 泻南补北 [单选题]钢芯铝绞线的钢芯断( )股时,需锯断重新以直线接续管连接。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]指挥员要适时调整火场战略部署,调整要紧紧围绕()主要方面进行。
A. 火场 B. 兵力 C. 联动力量 D. 后勤装备 我来回答: 提交