The fact that blind people can "see"
things using other parts of their bodies{{U}} (31) {{/U}}their eyes may
help us to understand our feeling about color. If they can{{U}} (32)
{{/U}}color differences then perhaps we, too, are affected by color
unconsciously. By trial and{{U}} (33) {{/U}}, manufacturers have discovered that sugar{{U}} (34) {{/U}}badly in green wrappings, that blue foods, are considered{{U}} (35) {{/U}}and that cosmetics should never be packaged{{U}} (36) {{/U}}brown. These discoveries have grown into a whole{{U}} (37) {{/U}}of color psychology that now{{U}} (38) {{/U}}application in everything from fashion to interior decoration. Some of our{{U}} (39) {{/U}}are clearly psychological. {{U}} (40) {{/U}}blue is the color of the night sky and therefore{{U}} (41) {{/U}}passivity and calmness, while yellow A. in B. by C. with D. under [单项选择]国务院制定的《建设工程安全生产管理条例》属于( )。
A. 规章 B. 行政法规 C. 部门法律 D. 地方性法规 [单选题]
A. B. C.1.3 D.2.4 [不定项选择题]男,64岁,进行性无痛性黄疸1个月,上腹胀痛,体重减轻。检查:巩膜及全身皮肤黄染,P90次/分,BP140/70mmHg血清总胆红素为70μmol/L ,Courvoisier征阳性
A.胆管局部切除 B.胆总管空肠Roux-Y胆道重建术 C.胆囊空肠改良式Roux-Y吻合术 D.胰十二指肠切除术 E.胆囊空肠Roux-吻合术 [判断题]当直线段始终保持垂直于圆柱轴线,并绕圆柱做螺旋线运动时形成的曲面称为正螺旋面。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》,未按期缴纳税款的,税务机关除责令限期缴纳外,从滞纳税款之日起,按日加收滞纳税款()的滞纳金。
A. 0.2% B. 0.5% C. 0.02% D. 0.05% [单项选择]陈风向甲区人民法院起诉,要求其儿子陈亮支付赡养费,甲区人民法院经审理后判决陈亮每月向陈风支付300元赡养费,一审判决后双方均未上诉。2年后,因经常生病,陈风认为 300元难以维持正常生活,又向甲区人民法院起诉,要求增加赡养费。对陈风的这一诉讼请求,甲区人民法院从程序上如何处理
A. 作为新案件,予以受理 B. 按申请再审处理 C. 根据一事不再理原则,不予以受理 D. 不予以受理,并告知陈风应与陈亮协商解决 [单选题]施工工程竣工后,安全资料应按分项装订成册并妥善保管至规定
年限,至少应( )年。 A.6 个月 B.1 年 C.2 D.3 我来回答: 提交