Western juries have traditionally found
eyewitness testimony to be the most convincing evidence in criminal trials.
Seeing is believing, as the saying goes. In numerous cases, when witnesses
pointed to the defendant, his or her fate was sealed. But how reliable is
eyewitness testimony Recent cases have suggested that despite our best
intentions, we may unwittingly distort what we perceive. Artists and psychologists have long known that "seeing" is not a simple matter of recording visual input. People perceive the exterior world through a complex matrix of cultural expectations, personality traits, moods and life experiences. For example, researchers tested the cultural influence on perception by showing a set of optical illusions to various groups, and found that different groups responded in divergent ways. Accustomed to and inundated by perpendicu A. always a reliable evidence B. the most convincing evidence C. sometimes a distortion of people’s perception D. a simple recording of visual input [单项选择]己知系统为32位实地址,采用48位虚拟地址,页面大小为4KB,页表项大小为8B;每段最大为4GB。假设系统使用纯页式存储,则要采用( )级页表,页内偏移( )位。
A. 3,12 B. 3,14 C. 4,12 D. 4,14 [单选题]停电操作时,先操作()变电站的进线开关刀闸,再操作()厂、站的出线开关刀闸
A.负荷侧、电源侧 B.电源侧、负荷侧 C.电厂侧、变电站侧 [多项选择]关于减速器,下列说法错误的是()。
A. 减速器的作用之一是将力传动方向改变90度 B. 减速器主动锥齿轮空套在传动轴上 C. 减速器的从动锥齿轮与桥壳不相连 D. 当传动比过大,采用单级主减速器传动,造成从动锥齿轮直径过大,影响汽车通过性 E. 单级减速器减速比最大不超过10 [单选题]下列( )不是漏电保护装置能防止的功能。
A.直接接触电击 B.间接电击 C.电路断路 [判断题]菱形交叉曲直交叉和曲线交叉都有两组不同角度的锐角辙叉和两组不同角度的钝角辙叉。
A. 初级消费者 B. 次级消费者 C. 三级消费者 D. 生产者 [单选题] 扳手、低压阀门和自来水管接头宜采用( )制作。
A.HT150 B.KTH150-10 C.QT800-2 D.ZGMn13 [简答题]简述水库调度自动化系统中日弃水调峰损失电量计算公式。
[单选题]在OSI参考模型中,上层协议实体与下层协议实体之间的逻辑接口称为服务访问点(SAP)。在Internet数据帧中,目的地址“00-0F-78-1-60-01”属于( )的服务访问点。
A. 数据链路层 B. 网络层 C. 传输层 D. 应用层 我来回答: 提交