Cowbirds, like cuckoos, are brood
parasites—that is, they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and leave
those others to do the hard work of raising their changeling young. But there is
a difference. A cuckoo chick usually pushes the original nestlings out, so that
it can monopolise the food brought by its unwitting adoptive parents. Cowbird
chicks, by contrast, seem to tolerate their nestmates. That seems odd. So odd, in fact, that Jeffrey Hoover and Scott Robinson of the Illinois Natural History Survey decided to look into the matter. What they found is that the host bird’s real chicks are pawns in a protection racket of a sort the Sicilian Mafia would be proud to have invented. The victims of the racket are prothonotary warblers. These birds do not reject cowbird eggs even though they look quite different f A. use tricks that seem to be even unmatched by the Mafia. B. run protection businesses to make others raise their young. C. time the laying of eggs to coincide with that of the warblers. D. kill the warblers’ eggs to reset the time for warblers to hatch. [单项选择]根据归经学说,用辅料炮制药物,盐制入
A. 心 B. 肝 C. 脾 D. 肺 E. 肾 [判断题]( )线路综合维修验收单位,站线为一股道。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对发生占用丢失的列车继续运行占用有关闭塞分区而出现的故障占用报警,列车调度员(车站值班员)不通知设备部门检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]财政部门不得以任何形式向作出行政处罚决定的行政机关返还罚款.没收的违法所得或者返还没收非法财物的拍卖款项。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]请论述说明《煤炭工业节能减排工作意见》中对煤矿资源保护和综合利用的要求。
[单选题]限制人身自由的行政处罚权只能由( )行使
A.人大常委会 B.人民法院 C.县级以上人民政府 D.公安机关 [单项选择]钡餐检查,回肠粘膜皱襞多呈( )
A. 弹簧状 B. 腊肠状 C. 雪花状 D. 羽毛状 E. 鱼骨状 [单项选择]化妆平面效果图是通过绘画的方式将化妆造型所涉及的()的搭配效果等经由平面设计稿表现出来的图稿。
A. 五官特点及服饰 B. 脸型、眉形及色彩 C. 服装与妆形 D. 用品、饰物 我来回答: 提交