A factory that makes uranium fuel for
nuclear reactors had a spill so bad it kept the plant closed for seven months
last year and became one of only three events in all of 2006 serious enough for
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to include in an annual report to Congress.
After an investigation, the commission changed the terms of the factory’s
license and said the public had 20 days to request a hearing on the
changes. But no member of the public ever did. In fact, no member of the public could find out about the changes. The document describing them, including the notice of hearing rights for anyone who felt adversely affected, was stamped "official use o A. law makers draw the conclusion that NRC has illegal documents. B. they think NRC is hiding more information than it should be. C. the public have the rights to know any potential hazards. D. they think nuclear facilities are not a matter of national security. [不定项选择题]体内最广泛的、活性最高的转氨酶是将氨基转移给
A.丙氨酸 B.谷氨酰胺 C.α-酮戊二酸 D.谷氨酸 E.甘氨酸 [单选题]客户侧低压验电前应先在低压有电部位上试验,以验证( )良好。
A.验电器 B.验电器或测电笔 C.电笔 D.测电器 [填空题]根据班杜拉的理论,影响自我效能感最主要的因素是个体自身行为的( )。
A.A.2 B.B.3 C.C.4 D.D.5 E.E.6 [单项选择]( )规定了危险化学品贮存场所的要求。
A. GB 13690—1992 B. GBl2463—1990 C. GBl5603—1995 D. GB 18265—2000 [判断题]夹心式取力器,动力从变速箱的第一轴即输入轴取出,它位于离合器飞轮壳后端和变速箱的前端,它的输出功率在50%以下。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列武昌起义成功的原因中,最主要的是( )
A.清朝湖北当局无力抵抗 B.革命党人筹划周密完善 C.起义新军的革命主动精神 D.立宪派改变策略乘机符合 [多选题]领导者与众不同的特质包括( )。
A.自信心 B.创造性 C.领导动机 D.内驱力 E.人格健全 [单项选择]患者男,56岁。因突发意识障碍,喷射性呕吐,剧烈头痛,眼睑下垂,急诊入院。入院诊断:自发性蛛网膜下隙出血,积极行术前抢救。参与抢救的是两名新上岗的护士,护士长对这类情形的管理要点是()
A. 授权 B. 亲自指导 C. 请别人做 D. 培训 E. 高年资护士替代 我来回答: 提交