You’re busy filling out the application
form for a position you really need. Let’s assume you once actually completed a
couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree. Isn’t it
tempting to lie just a little, to claim on the form that your diploma represents
a Harvard degree Or that you finished an extra couple of years back at State
University More and more people are turning to utter deception like this to
land their job or to move ahead in their careers, for personnel officers, like
most Americans, value degrees from famous schools. A job applicant may have a
good education anyway, but he or she assumes that chances of being hired are
better with a diploma from a well-known university. Registrars at most well-known colleges say they deal with deceitful claims like these at the rate of abou A. students attend a school only part-time B. students never attended a school they listed on their application C. students purchase false degrees from commercial firms D. students attended a famous school [单项选择]薪酬市场调查是为了确保企业员工薪酬的( )。
A. 外部公平 B. 内部公平 C. 个人公平 D. 程序公平 [单选题] 无居民海岛使用者未按规定及时足额缴纳无居民海岛使用金的,按日加收( )的滞纳金
A. 1‰ B. 2‰ C. 3‰ D. 5‰ [单选题]大闸从运转位推至( ),列车管减压50kPa。
A.初制位 B.抑制位 C.重联位 [简答题]彩绘陶与彩陶的区别是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]120km/h及以下运行区段,锚段长度在800m及以下的承力索接头的数量限界值不得超过( )。
A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 [单选题]固定型无缝道岔辙叉接头冻结应采用高强螺栓,扭矩应保持在( )。
A.700~900N·m B.120~150N·m C.1100~1400N·m D.250~300N·m [单选题]维持机体新陈代谢所必需的能量,为小儿所特有的是( )
A..基础代谢 B..生长发育所需 C..食物特殊动力作用 D..活动所需 E..排泄损失能量 [单选题]1.88. 第88题
扑救室外火灾时,应站在( )。 A.上坡处 B.地势高的地方 C.来水方向 D.上风方向 [单项选择]男性,45岁,发现糖尿病10年。发热、胸痛3d,痰带血丝。查体:体温39℃,呼吸26/min,肺部无啰音。X线胸片示右下叶实变,有多个空洞,血WBC18×10/L,中性粒细胞分类0.90。若用青霉素治疗3d,症状无改善,X线胸片示病变范围扩大,内有多个小透亮区、液平,应改用何种抗生素()
A. 红霉素 B. 万古霉素 C. 阿米卡星 D. 利福平 E. 两性霉素B [单选题]有关痈处理方法错误的是
A.中央部坏死组织多,全身症状重者,应手术治疗 B.切口应超出炎症范围 C.切开至皮肤全层 D.尽量剪除坏死组织 E.唇痈不宜切开 我来回答: 提交