[判断题]起道机必须放平放稳,直线放在钢轨外口,曲线上股放在里口,曲线下股放在里口;( ) A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]电气化铁路附近发生火灾,若用沙土灭火可不停电.( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]当原矿品位低,而对精矿的质量要求又很高时,应加强()作业。 A. 精选 B. 粗选 C. 扫选 D. 中选
[多项选择]某酒店对其所有员工进行绩效考核,前勤服务人员和后勤行政人员选择了同样的考核主体,都是他们的直接主管,结果却很不一样。后勤人员的考核业绩大多集中在中等偏上的水平。而前勤人员则优、中、差均有所分布为使后勤人员的考核更全面,应采般的做法是()。 A. 由后勤各部门经理直接对每一位员工进行考评 B. 培训各级主管使他们意识到考核的重要性和科学性 C. 增加企业内外部客户作为后勤员工的考核主体 D. 可选择强制分布法
[判断题]扑救城市地下工程火灾时,设置进攻或防御阵地必须确保内攻人员能够顺利撤退到安全地带,在地下拐角处要设有明显标示,防止人员迷失。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[多选题]具有倾角变化的带式输送机,传动滚筒所需圆周力应按下列工况分别计算()。 A.全长控制 B.全场满载 C.水平段倾角 D.区段空载
[单选题]下列哪一种是最有效而实际的方法,可帮助新员工提高安全意识,预防意外发生? A. 为他们购买人寿保险 B. 组织员工进行安全培训 C. 尽量安排一些较简单工作给他们
[单选题]()上的工作:即在电能计量装置、采集终端等设备上,进行巡视、装拆、负荷测试、压降测试、校验、调试等工作。 A. A.一次系统 B.B.二次系统 C.C.保护系统 D.D.计量系统
[单项选择]达芬奇的老师是() A. 乔托 B. 委罗基奥 C. 乔尔乔内 D. 凡·埃克
[单项选择]下列镇痛作用最强的是( ) A. 哌替啶 B. 芬太尼 C. 盐酸吗啡 D. 阿芬太尼 E. 舒芬太尼
[单选题]下列选项中,哪一项没有违反上诉不加刑原则?( ) A.共同犯罪案件只有部分被告人提出上诉的,加重其他同案被告人的刑罚 B.原判认定事实清楚、证据充分,只是认定的罪名不当的,在不加重原判刑罚的情况下改变罪名 C.撤销原判决宣告的缓刑或者延长缓刑考验期 D.原判没有宣告禁止令的,增加宣告禁制令
[判断题]中站电源屏采取一级防雷。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]正压式空气呼吸器气瓶的最高工作压力是( )MPa。 A.20 B.25 C.30 D.35
[单项选择]发生重大动物传染病时,应掌握的防控原则是() A. 早、快、严、小 B. 早、快、准、小 C. 快、早、严、小 D. 严、快、早、小 E. 早、急、严、小
[判断题]2.67 监管中心对核查需要业务部门配合的,监管中心可以会同业务部门联合开展核查,不得直接转交业务部门核查。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]The colourful chalkboards and baskets of fruit that greet customers at the entrances of Whole Foods Market's shops paint a rosy picture.Yet shares in the American seUer of organic and natural food have fallen by more than 40%since hitting a peak last October,in a period when stock markets have been strong.41.It is not that the retailer is in immediate crisis:its latest quarterly figures,on July 30th,showed sales and profits both up a bit.And it is not that people are going off the idea of paying more for food produced without chemical fertilisers,pesticides or additives:the Intemational Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements reckons that the industry's worldwide revenues were a record of 63 biUion in 2012;and Techsci Research,a market-research firm,predicts that the American market for such foods-the world's largest-may grow by 14%by 2018.42.The problem is that at Whole Foods,shoppers have been paying way over the cost of regular produce,and its success in getting them to do so has now attracted a lot of competitors,from rival organics chains like Sprouts and Trader Joe's to mass-market retailers like Walmart and Costco.As a result,the pnce premium for organic produce is crashing down.On a recent shopping trip,a pound of organic apples cost 2.99 at Wbole Foods but just l.99 at Sprouts and even less at Costco.43.The firm has been trimming costs to keep its margins up,but the slump in its share price reflects investors'expectation that this cannot continue,that profits will suffer and that Whole Foods'dominance of the market is coming to an end.44.That the company has had to recall a number of products-in late July it and other grocers recalled plums and peaches suspected of contanunation with Listeria bacteria-has made it harder to maintain an air of superiority over its competitors.Organic foods'claim to superiority is questionable anyway.Both Britain's Food Standards Agency and the Annals of Internal Medicine,a journal,concluded after reviewing the extensive studies on the issue that there is no substantial difference in the nutriliousness of organics and non-organics.In some respects organics may be bad for the environment,because growing them uses land less efficiendy than non-organics.45.As for"natural"foods,there is no official definition of this,in America at least;so the label,which Whole Foods also applies to many products,is close to meaningless.Alan McHughen,a bota-nist at the University of California,Riverside,argues that the whole industry is"99%marketing;and public perception,"reeling people in through a fabricated concept of a time when food,and life in general,was simple and wholesome.If true,the trick has worked nicely for Whole Foods.But its success has attracted so many imitators that it is losing its uniqueness.Even recent speculation about a takeover bid has failed to lift its shares.It may insist its food is sustainable.But it seem8 its prices are not.42选? A.Crisis Seems Far B.The Firm Is At Risk C.More Rivals Join In D.Natural Foods Are Unreal
[多选题]作业前,设备运维管理单位应告知( )。 A.电气设备知识 B.现场电气设备接线情况 C.危险点 D.安全注意事项
[单选题][T]AE002214S-MWD使用过程中钻井液密度极限是()。 A.2.0g/cm3 B.2.28g/cm3 C.1.6g/cm3 D.1.8g/cm3
[单选题]增强党自我净化能力,根本靠强化( )和( )。 A.A:党的自我监督,舆论监督。 B. C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略
[单选题]《危险化学安全管理条例》规定、化学品安全技术说明书和化学品安全标签所载明的内容银锭当符合( )要求。 A.国家标准 B.行业标准 C.企业标准
[判断题]光源的作用是将电信号转换成光信号。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]男性,38岁,4年前有反复输血史,近半年主诉乏力、低热、口腔及黏膜皮肤溃疡、平日易感冒,考虑为输血传播的疾病,最可能为() A. 艾滋病 B. 梅毒 C. 疟疾 D. 肝炎 E. 巨细胞病毒感染
[单选题]电气化铁路附近发生火灾时,距牵引供电设备带电部分超过()米的燃着物体,使用沙土灭火时,牵引供电设备可不停电,但须保持灭火机具及沙土等与带电部分的距离在()米以上。 A.1、 1 B.2、2 C.2、3 D.2、1
[多项选择]线路复测工作内容应包括()。 A. 校核交叉跨越位置 B. 校核风偏影响点 C. 校核接地装置 D. 校核基础保护范围
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