Thurgood Marshall is one of the most
well-known individuals in the history of the civil rights movement in America.
He was born on July 2, 1908 in Baltimore, Maryland, to a dining room steward and
a school teacher. He was not born to wealthy parents. His education began in the
public schools in Baltimore and he attended college at Lincoln University. After
graduation from college, he entered Howard University Law School and graduated
with honors at the age of twenty-five. Marshall began his law career in Baltimore and represented the poor and the weak in legal matters. The NAACP became aware of his legal abilities and asked him to join their staff. Marshall won thirty-two of the thirty-five cases he argued before the Supreme Court during the time he worked with the NAACP. In 1961, he became a member of the United States Second Cou A. Solicitor General. B. Attorney for the NAACP. C. Justice of the Supreme Court. D. Court secretary. [单项选择]年营业现金净流量等于()
A. 应税利润总额×(1—所得税率) B. 年税后净利润+年折旧额+年摊销额 C. 营业收入—非付现成本—所得税 D. 例如总额+折旧 [判断题]用货币表现商品的价值时,可以是想象的或观念的货币。
[多选题]高处作业的级别有( )。
A.一级高处作业 B.二级高处作业 C.三级高处作业 D.特级高处作业 [单选题] 在眼的折光系统中,折光能力最强的是
A.角膜 B.房水 C.晶状体 D.玻璃体 [单选题]安全接入区内纵向通信应当采用基于非对称秘钥技术的( )等安全措施
A.横向认证 B.纵向认证 C.单向认证 D.双向认证 [判断题]在没有脚手架或者在没有栏杆的脚手架上工作,高度超过2m时,应使用安全带, 或采取其他可靠的安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]农药经营单位或经营网点的营业人员,应当向农药使用者说明哪些事项?
[多选题]’年版第五套人民币纸币主要变化是( )。
A.提高了票面色彩鲜亮度 B.优化了票面结构层次与效果 C.提升了整体防伪性能 D.改善了钞票流通耐性 [单项选择]深入开展()定点包扶工作,引导机关、高校、企事业单位、城市社区党组织与农村基层党组织按需对接、结对共建,推进项目对接、优势互补、互利双赢、共同发展。
A. 创先争优走在前头 B. 党旗引领致富路,携手共建新农村 C. 为民服务创先争优 D. 富民兴赣我先行百万党员承诺活动 [判断题] DK-l型电空制动机转空气位操作时,需紧急制动应将空气制动阀手柄在置制动位,使用紧急停车按钮或开放123塞门。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]未装列尾装置的( )区间被迫停车再开时,司机须向车站值班员(列车调度员)报告。
A.动车组 B.旅客列车 C.货物列车 D.特快货物班列 [多选题] 甲邀请乙外出看电影,乙见甲的口袋中有土制手枪,即取出玩耍,猛地扣动扳机,枪响自毙。甲对乙之死( )。
A. 不存在犯罪故意 B. 存在疏忽大意过失 C. 不存在犯罪故意和过失,本案的发生是因为意外事件 D. 应负过失致人死亡的罪责,因其未尽注意义务 [单项选择]下列哪项是全胃肠外营养补充不足所致并发症()
A. 低血糖 B. 肝酶谱升高 C. 肠壁功能减退 D. 肝功能损害 E. 伤口愈合延迟 [单项选择]Concern with money, and then more money, in order to buy the conveniences and luxuries of modern life, has brought great changes to the lives of most Frenchmen. More people are working than ever before in France. In the cities the traditional leisurely midday meal is disappearing. Offices, shops, and factories are discovering the great efficiency of a short lunch hour in company lunchrooms. In almost all lines of work emphasis now falls on ever-increasing output. Thus the "typical" Frenchman produces more, earns more, and buys more consumer goods than his counterpart of only a generation ago. He gains in creature comforts and ease of life. What he loses to some extent is his sense of personal uniqueness, or individuality.
Some say that France has been Americanized. This is because the United States is a world symbol of the technological society and its consumer products. The so-called Americanization of France has its critics. They fear that "assembly-line life" will lead to the d A. Leisure, elegance, and efficiency. B. Elegance, efficiency, and taste. C. Leisure, elegance, and taste. D. Elegance, efficiency, and tast [判断题]回油管、油泵吸油管、控制油管应采用10~15号冷拔无缝钢管,控制油管必要时采用拉制紫铜管。
A.手阳明大肠经 B.足阳明胃经 C.手太阳小肠经 D.足太阳膀胱经 [多选题]根据《电力建设工程监理规范》DL/T 5434-2009,第11.1.2条规定,项目监理机构在启动验收前应检查输变电工程是否满足下列条件( )。
A.对工程质量监检提出的影响启动的问题已全部处理完毕,并经项目监理机构验收合格。 B.全站电气设备已完工 C.建(构)筑工程已完工 D.附属设施全部完工 [单选题]50kg/m钢轨轨底宽度为( )
A.114mm B.132mm C.150mm D.148mm [判断题]可燃气体.蒸气.可燃粉尘的爆炸下限越低,爆炸浓度范围越宽,火灾危险性就越大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据业务训练相关安全规定,指战员在训练前应当组织参训人员做些什么准备动作?
A.大量补充水分、功能饮料等 B.进行跑步、活动操等热身运动 C.大量补充食物 D.以上选项均不对 [单选题]部分照明消防车配备远距离无线遥控操作系统,可在( )m范围内遥控操作。
A. 200 B. 150 C. 100 D. 50 [判断题]建筑设计单位对设计文件选用的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备,可以指定生产商、供应商。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用文字处理软件编辑文本时,最基本的操作是移动光标,因为几乎所有的操作都与光标当前的位置有关。为快速将光标移动到文本的行首和行尾,使用的命令分别是( )(易)(基础知识)
A.Home或 End B.^Home或 ^End C.Up或 Down D.^Up或 ^Down 我来回答: 提交