Children have been said to have
brain-injured child syndrome, hyperactive (极度活跃的) child syndrome and
attention-deficit disorder (ADD). As early as the 1940’s, psychiatrists have
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} children with hyperactivity and extremely
distracted and impulsive (冲动的). These frequent name changes show how
{{U}} (68) {{/U}} researchers, are about the causes {{U}} (69)
{{/U}} the problem and the diagnostic criteria for the disorders. In the
past several years, the people who {{U}} (70) {{/U}} attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have {{U}} (71) {{/U}} to clarify the
disorder’s causes and {{U}} (72) {{/U}} , and have reasons to believe
that it may be genetic. Today’s view {{U}} (73) {{/U}} this disorder is
very different from the beliefs of just a few years ago. Researchers are finding
that ADHD is not a disorder of just attention A. improved B. ready C. prone D. willing [单项选择]下列关于房产税纳税义务发生时间的说法中,正确的是( )。
A. 将原有房产用于生产经营的,从生产经营之次月起 B. 纳税人自建房屋用于经营的,从建成之次月起 C. 委托施工企业建设的房屋,从办理验收手续之月起 D. 委托施工企业建设的房屋,从建成之次月起 [单项选择]补体旁路激活途径中不包括()。
A. C3裂解为C3a和C3b B. C4裂解为C4a和C4b C. C5裂解为C5a和C5b D. 膜攻击复合物的形成 E. 过敏毒素的产生 [单选题]本条令是消防救援队伍队列生活的准则和队列训练的基本依据。国家综合性消防救援队伍人员必须严格执行本条令,加强队列训练,培养良好的姿态、( )、过硬的作风、严格的纪律性和协调一致的动作,促进队伍正规化建设,巩固和提高战斗力。
A.严整的对风 B.严整的队纪 C.严整的队容 D.严整的队形 [判断题]《上海铁路局劳动安全管理办法》(上铁安[2015]301号)规定,列车运行中严禁登高作业,特殊情况时登高作业应采取安全保护措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
One day a layer’s wife fell ill, and he went to get a doctor. The doctor willingly came to see the woman and to do what he could for her, but before he went into the house, he made a short stop. He knew that the lawyer was famous for not paying his bills, even if they were due(正当的). He therefore said to the man. "But if I save your wife, I am afraid you may not pay me." [多选题]运输合同是承运人将旅客或者货物从起运地点运输到约定地点,旅客、托运人或者收货人支付()的合同。(应知应会-合同法)
A.票款 B.运输费用 C.现金 D.支票 [判断题]中华技能大奖候选人须来自生产一线岗位,且从事本职业(工种)10年以上,享受国务院政府特殊津贴,原则上从历届全国技术能手和具有高级技师职业资格的在岗人员中推荐。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]消化性溃疡
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交