My writing in my late teens and early
adulthood was fashioned after the U.S. short stories and poetry taught in the
high schools of the 1940s and 1950s, but by the 1960s, after I had gone to
college and dropped out and served in the military, I began to develop topics
and themes from my Native American background. The experience in my village of
Deetziyamah and Acoma Pueblo was readily accessible. My mother was a potter of
the well-known Acoma clayware. My father carved figures from wood and did
beadwork. There was always some kind of artistic endeavor that Native American
people, set themselves to, although they did not necessarily articulate it as
"Art" in the sense of Western civilization. When I turned my attention to my own
heritage, I did so because this was my identity, and I wanted to write about
what that meant. My desire was A. The artful nature of Native American life compels the author to explore and write about that heritage. B. Art is an important part of Native American life and should be a part of everyone’s existence. C. The author remembers his childhood, especially his parents and the elders in his community, in a very positive way. D. A desire to return to traditional Native American values led the author to write about Native American issues. [多选题]水泥混凝土混合料配合比设计的参数有()
A. 水灰比 B. 稳定度 C. 砂率 D. 单位用水量 E. 塌落度 [单项选择]生产建筑陶瓷的乡镇污染严重,乌烟蔽日,曾经是闽南沿海的一大景观。经过一年多的治理,闽南市拆除了制造污染的2500支窑炉烟囱,使当地的环境得到了很大改善。 最能准确复述这段话主要意思的是( )。
A. 制造陶瓷容易造成严重污染 B. 闽南沿海地区制瓷业很发达 C. 闽南市加强治污力度,改善环境 D. 经济发展与环境保护时常是不可两全的 [单选题]按照《业扩报装管理办法》规定,客户在办理用电申请时,对于申请资料暂不齐全的客户,客户代表按照( )要求办理。
A.首问责任制 B.一次性告知 C.一证受理 D.免填单 [判断题]中性点经消弧线圈接地的系统当发生单相接地时,非故障相对地电压升高3倍。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
[单选题]灭火工作必须有充足的风量和畅通的回风巷,防止( )爆炸。
A.瓦斯 B.煤尘 C.水煤气 [多选题]垂直铺设水带方法正确的是( )(中)
A.消防员携带水枪和1盘65mm水带沿楼梯攀登至指定楼层窗口处,上身微探出窗口 B.消防员携带水枪和2盘65mm水带沿楼梯攀登至指定楼层窗口处,上身微探出窗口 C.消防员携带水枪和1盘80mm水带沿楼梯攀登至指定楼层窗口处,上身微探出窗口 D.在楼面将水带甩开,双手交替将水带一端接口垂直施放至地面,并利用水带挂钩固定水带,将水带一端接口与水枪连接,动作完成后,“举手”示意供水,成立式射水姿势 [单项选择]
In October 2002, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank (1) a new electronic market (www. gs. com/econderivs) for economic indices that (2) substantial economic risks, such as nonfarm payroll (a measure of job availability) and retail sales. This new market was made possible by a (3) trading technology, developed by Longitude, a New York company providing software for financial markets, (4) the Parimutuel Digital Call Auction. This is "digital" (5) of a digital option ie, it pays out only if an underlying index lies in a narrow, discrete range. In effect, Longitude has created a horse race, where each "horse" wins if and (6) the specified index falls in a specified range. By creating horses for every possible (7) of the index, and allowing people to bet (8) any number of runners, the company has produced a liquid integrated electronic market for a wide array of options on economic indices. [判断题]如发现空中偷渡人员,且重新安排偷渡人员座位为最后一排 。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高处作业指离地1米及以上的作业。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国家禁止用( )生产灭鼠药以及其他可能进入人民日常生活的化学产品和日用化学品。
A.有毒化学品 B.剧毒化学品 C.易燃化学品 D.易爆化学品 [单选题]以下正确的描述是()。
A.continue语句的作用是结束整个循环的执行 B.只能在循环体内和switch语句体内使用break语句 C.在循环体内使用break语句或continue语句的作用相同 D.从多层循环嵌套中退出时, 只能使用goto语句 [多选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015) 下列选项中哪些是本次事故间接原因:
A.承建方对分包方的安全监督不到位 B.未进行有效的安全技术交底、安全教育培训 和安全检查 C.未组织开展有限空间作业培训 D.劳务分包方安全管理混乱 [多选题]下列可燃液体属甲类的有( )。
A.汽油 B.甲醇 C.溶剂油 D.乙醚 [判断题]在photoshop默认状态下,画笔用前景色绘图。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用调高垫板进行线路垫板作业,在使用调高扣件的混凝土枕、混凝土宽枕和整体道床情况下,每处调高垫板的总厚度不得超过( )。
A.10 mm B.15 mm C.20 mm D.25 mm [多选题]电缆防火堵料从材料结构性能分类有()
A.有机堵料 B.无机堵料 C.化学堵料 D.防火板堵料 [单项选择]When will the meeting begin
A. She didn’t go to the party. B. She was late. C. She had a good time. [单选题]工作负责人、()应始终在工作现场,对工作班人员的安全认真监护,及时纠正不安全的行为。
A.A-工作票签发人 B.B-专责监护人 C.C-工作许可人 D.D-安全监督人员 [单选题]. 耐张串上当使用R型弹簧销子时,绝缘子大口应一律(____)。
A. 收电侧 B. 电源侧 C. 向上 D. 向下 [简答题]境内机构、个人和银行应按哪些规定如实说明情况,提供相关材料,配合外汇局开展核查工作,不得拒绝、阻碍和隐瞒。
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