There is no doubt that we are living in
a period of enormous population growth. In the past, it{{U}} (51)
{{/U}}thousands of years for the world’s population to double in size.{{U}}
(52) {{/U}}today there are more people having families and fewer
deaths from diseases. As(a){{U}} (53) {{/U}}, the population doubles in
only 35 years. A(n){{U}} (54) {{/U}}supply of food is only one of the
human needs that must be{{U}} (55) {{/U}}. Overcrowding has a highly
undesirable effect on life. For example, if every available piece of land were
used for producing food, it would be very difficult to{{U}} (56)
{{/U}}proper housing for people, as would health care and recreation.{{U}}
(57) {{/U}}these reasons, more governments are helping families to
understand the problems of{{U}} (58) {{/U} A. numbers B. collections C. amounts D. lots [单项选择]某化工厂进行机电设备安装工程,主要是锅炉安装、空调安装和电线、电缆的安装工程,工程要求十分严格,部分设备要求采用优质碳素结构钢,锅炉采用耐高温材料,空调通风管道采用绝、热材料,电线导管用防腐的塑料制品,电线采用BX型或BV型,电缆采用VLV32型或 VV32型,安装完,经检验合格后,交付使用。
主要用于建筑管道、电线导管、化工耐腐蚀零件及热交换器的防腐材料是( )。 A. 陶瓷制品 B. 橡胶制品 C. 玻璃钢及其制品 D. 塑料制品 [判断题]煤层倾角大于12°的采煤工作面采用下行通风时,应当报矿总工程师批准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]土地评估机构(合伙企业)的所有合伙人都必须具备土地估价师资格。( )
[单选题]列车须按规定编定车次,( )。
A.上行列车编为单数,下行列车编为单数 B.上行列车编为双数,下行列车编为单数 C.上行列车编为单数,下行列车编为双数 D.上行列车编为双数,下行列车编为双数。 [判断题]列车在起伏坡道运行时,应采用高手柄位的牵引工况,尽量避免惰力运行,使列车在起伏坡道上运行平稳。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]客舱乘务员丧失能力后,可考虑安排在______座位。
A.1A、1F B.2A、2F C.最后一排A、F D.L2门旁乘务员座位 [多选题]屋面工程所用的防水、保温材料的( )等必须符合国家现行产品标准和设计要求。(GB50207—2012《屋面工程质量验收规范》3.0.6)
A.品种 B.规格 C.性能 D.温度指标 我来回答: 提交