In politics, in the courts, even on the
ubiquitous TV talkshow, it is good form to pick an intellectual fight. People
attack each other- hurl insults, even- and it counts as logical argument. I
cannot understand it. It seems that our society favours a kind of ritualized aggression. Everywhere you look, in newspapers and on television, issues are presented using the terminology of war and conflict. We hear of battles, duels and disputes. We see things in terms of winners and losers, victors and victims. The problem is society’s unquestioning belief in the advantages of the debate as a way of solving disagreements, even proving right from wrong. Our brainwashing begins early at school, when the brightest pupils are co-opted onto the debating system. They get there because they can think up a good argument to support their case. Once on the debate A. (A) Intellectual fight. B. (B) Conflict. C. (C) Victim. D. (D) Dispute. [单选题]接户线长度,高压一般不得超过()m。
A.15 B.50 C.100 D.150 [单项选择]梁平法标注中,井字梁的代号是()。
A. JL B. ZL C. JZL D. GL [单选题]( )A321-200NX 型飞机当驾驶舱发出撤离警报时,客舱内的信息有 。
A.错AP 面板上EVAC RESE对 键红灯闪烁 B.AIP 上显示“EVACUA对ION ALER对”,红灯闪烁 C.AAP 上 EVAC 警告灯红灯闪烁 D.以上都有 [单选题]关于即期结售汇交易,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.由于客户操作错误需要取消的交易可以做成撤销交易 B.违约造成的损失或收益由经办行与客户协商分配 C.因经办行操作错误引起的交易可以申请撤销,产生的盈亏由经办行自负 D.因经办行操作错误引起的撤销交易,产生的盈亏由客户承担 [单项选择]下列药物中,属于阿片类生物碱类的是()
A. 可待因 B. 瑞芬太尼 C. 喷他佐辛 D. 羟考酮 E. 曲马朵 [单项选择]根据《消费税暂行条例》规定,进口的应税消费品( )。
A. 不纳税 B. 于销售时纳税 C. 于购买时纳税 D. 报关进口时纳税 [判断题]凡是吉布斯函数改变值减少(△G<0)的过程,就一定是自发过程。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]临床上常用于溶解耵聍的药物是
A. 1%新霉素 B. 3%双氧水 C. 5%碳酸氢钠 D. 4%硼酸甘油 E. 1.25%氯霉素甘油 [单项选择]马德隆畸形是由于( )
A. 尺骨近端骨骺发育障碍 B. 桡骨近端骨骺发育障碍 C. 尺骨远端内侧骨骺发育障碍 D. 桡骨远端骨骺内侧发育障碍 E. 以上均不是 我来回答: 提交