Linguists have understood for decades
that language and thought are closely related. Humans construct reality using
thought and express these thoughts through the use of language. Edward Sapir and
his student Benjamin Whorl are credited with developing the most relevant
explanation outlining the relationship between thought and language, the
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. The hypothesis consists of two parts, linguistic
relativity and linguistic determinism. Supporters of linguistic relativity
assume that culture is shaped by language. Terwilliger defines linguistic
determinism as the process by which "the functions of one’s mind are determined
by the nature of the language which one speaks." In simpler terms, the thoughts
that we construct are based upon the language that we speak and the words that
we use. In its strongest sense, linguisti A. the realities constructed through different languages are different B. language and thought are intimately related to each other C. culture is shaped by language through which it expresses itself D. both the culture and the mind determine the language to be used [单项选择]影响交通安全最主要的因素是()。
A. 人 B. 车 C. 路 D. 交通环境 [单选题]直流线路(____)保护目的是检测直流线路上的接地故障,并且通过控制活动熄灭故障电流。
A.A.行波保护 B.接地极线断线保护 C.直流开路试验保护 D.换流器保护 [判断题]若运行中发现列车有晃动,立即降速至列车不晃车,晃动严重时应果断采取停车措施,同时向行调报告晃车地点
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]痰结血瘀型瘿病治疗宜()
A. 理气舒郁,化痰消瘿 B. 气活血,化痰消瘿 C. 清肝泻火,理气消瘿 D. 滋养阴精,宁心柔肝 E. 理气舒郁,宁心柔肝 [单选题]系统对( )未发生资金收付活动(计息入账除外)的单位银行结算账户,将转为“准长期不动户”,开户行应通知单位客户办理销户手续。
A.A.11个月 B.B.1年 C.C.3年 D.D.5年 [单项选择]人体内分布最多的阳离子是()
A. K+ B. Na+ C. Mg2+ D. H+ E. Ca2+ [单项选择]男性,16岁,低热、咳嗽、咽部不适2周,胸X线片示两肺下部网状及按小叶分布的斑片状浸润阴影,血WBC10×10的9次方/L治疗药物首选()
A. 青霉素 B. 红霉素 C. 氟康唑 D. 雷米封+利福平 E. 病毒唑 [简答题]对设备的拔盘操作及拔插尾纤的注意事项?
A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 D. 5年 E. 0.5年 [单选题]如图49-1, APU发电机提供的电源:
A.一旦APU运转就有效,即使APU发电机没有打开 B.只有飞机连接了地面电源才可用 C.发动机一关车就可用 D.当APU运转且APU发电机接通,地面 电源没有接通时可用 我来回答: 提交