In the 1960s the West Coast became an
important center for rock music. Los Angeles and Southern California are famous
for sunshine and surfing. There, a quieter kind of rock called surf rock became
famous. The Beach Boys sang songs like "Surfin’ U. S. A.", "California Girls"
and "Fun, Fun, Fun". These songs made people dream about the good life in
California. San Francisco was a center for young people and rock music in the late 1960s. This was the time of the Vietnam War, student protest, hippies, and drugs. Hippies talked about love and peace. They wore brightly colored clothes and had long hair. They listened to rock and folk-rock music. Drugs were a serious problem during that time. The deaths of three young rock stars, Janis Jopling, Jim Morrison and the great guitar player Jim Hendrix were all related to drugs. A. Terrible. B. Humiliating. C. Enjoyable. D. Holy. [判断题]Am96型转向架轴端接地装置位于3、5位轴端。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]习惯上规定以正负荷的移动方向作为电流的方向。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]除新闻媒体已公开发表的信息外,各单位提供的上网信息应确保不涉及其他单位的秘密。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )我国的社会主义建设,必须从我国的国情出发,走社会主义道路。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]计算分析车站运输指标时,整车装运货车用具的装车,按( )计算。
[单选题]4.95. 第95题
已知用户的户号、计量点IP,查询用户该计量点下表计和用户户名地址,不需要用到一下哪张表 A.C_CONS B.C_MP C.C_METER_MP_RELA D.R_DATA [单项选择]
张女士,35岁,患原发性甲状腺功能亢进入院,清晨起床前测病人脉率110次/min,血压140/80mmHg,拟在服用复方碘化钾溶液等术前准备后,择期行甲状腺大部切除术 术前服用碘剂的作用是()A. 抑制甲状腺素合成 B. 对抗甲状腺素作用 C. 促进甲状腺素合成 D. 抑制甲状腺素释放 E. 减少促甲状腺激素分泌 [简答题]掩护式液压式支架由哪些主要部分组成?其优缺点是什么?
[单选题]供电企业根据内控制度、资金安全的要求确定保险柜个数和( )。
A.使用人 B.保管人 C.监管人 D.监督人 [单选题]细胞外液包括
A.细胞液 B.泪液 C.尿液 D.唾液 E.血浆 [判断题]标题:《成都商报》征文启事。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述城市道路横断面设计原则。
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