Eating better and more adventurously is
becoming an obsession, especially among people with money to spend. Healthier
eating-and not-so-healthy eating-as well as the number and variety of food
choices and venues continue to increase at an ever quickening pace. Globalization is the master trend that will drive the world of food in the years ahead. Consumers traveling the globe, both virtually and in reality, will be able to sweep up ingredients, packaged foods, recipes, and cooking techniques from every comer of the earth at an ever-intensifying and accelerating pace. Formerly remote ingredients and cooking styles are creating a whole new culinary mosaic as they are transplanted and reinterpreted all over the world. Many factors are behind this, but none more so than the influence of the great international hotel chains. Virtually A. Eating Better and More Adventurously B. A Food Globalization C. The Trend of Dining D. The Trend of a Kitchen Revolution [单项选择]Which of the following docs NOT account for young adults returning to the nest
A. Young adults find housing costs too high. B. Young adults are psychologically and intellectually immature. C. Young adults seek parental comfort and moral support. D. Quite a number of young adults attend local schools. [判断题]借新还旧放款既可通过转账方式,也可通过现金方式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]事故调查组到达后,发生事故的()必须主动汇报事故现场真实情况,并为事故调查提供便利条件。
A.单位领导 B.责任人员 C.相关单位 D.有关单位 [单项选择]
It is not polite to arrive at a dinner party more than 15 to 20 minutes late. The host or hostess usually waits for all the guests to arrive before (36) the meal. If someone is late, the food may be spoiled, and so might the host or the hostess (37) . If you have to be late, call and tell them to (38) you. It’s even (39) to be early! The host or the hostess will probably not be (40) .If you are early, drive or walk around the block a few minutes, or just sit in your car (41) the right time. Though it’s often important to arrive on time, yet (42) , for open houses, the host or the hostess invite guests to arrive and leave (43) a certain time so you can arrive at any time (44) the time he or she gives you. [单选题]安全生产管理坚持, ( )的方针。
A.生产第一 安全为主 B.安全第一 预防为主 综合治理 (C)安全第一 生产为主 (D)生产第一 预防为主 [多选题]在有限空间作业场所,应配备( )、绳缆等安全和抢救器具以及其他必要的器具和设备。
A.防毒面罩; B.呼吸器具; C.通信设备; D.梯子 [单项选择]设有如下程序段: x=2 For i=1 To 10 Step 2 x= x+i Next 运行以下程序后,x的值是
A. 26 B. 27 C. 38 D. 57 [多选题]电气化厨房电器中的电磁炉由()规格组成
A.5KW凹炉 B.5KW平炉 C.8KW平炉 D.8KW凹炉 [多选题]以下属于团队成员权力的是:( )权。
A.知情 B.建议 C.协商 D.发言 [多选题]动车组转向架应满足高速运行条件下的设计准则,同时考虑如何提高旅客乘坐满意度。
A.正确 B.错误 C.a.旅客乘坐舒适性 D.b.旅客乘坐满意度 E.c.旅客乘坐自由性 [单选题]违反治安管理的下列情形,不应从重处罚的是()。
A.有较严重后果的 B.教唆.胁迫.诱骗他人违反治安管理的 C.对报案人.控告人.举报人.证人打击报复的 D.一年前曾受过治安管理处罚的 [单项选择]男性,50岁。间歇性跛行1年,加重1个月就诊。无外伤史,无烟酒嗜好。根据患者症状,首先要考虑的是()
A. 椎弓根峡部不连与脊椎滑脱症 B. 动脉闭塞性脉管炎 C. 腰臀部软组织劳损 D. 腰椎管狭窄症 E. 腰椎间盘突出症 [判断题]长沙1号线所有的侧墙板材质为3mm 聚酯玻璃钢,材料均满足DIN5510 的防火要求,具有很高的强度及隔音性能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]城市是人民防空的重点,国家对城市实行( )。
A. 分级防护 B. 分类防护 C. 重点防护 D. 定向防护 我来回答: 提交