Who won the World Cup 2004 football game What happened at the United Nations How did the critics like the new play(1)an event takes place, newspapers are on the street(2)the details wherever anything happens in the world, reporters are on the spot to(3)the news. Newspapers have one basic(4)to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to(5)it. Radio, television, and(6)inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. (7), the competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the(8)and thus the effciency of their own operati A. by B. with C. at D. about [单选题]下列关于某病房楼的避难间设置,不合理的是()。
A.避难间服务的护理单元不超过2个 B.靠近楼梯间并采用耐火极限不低于2.00h的防火隔墙和甲级防火门其他部位分隔 C.避难间的净面积按每个护理单元不小于20.0m2确定 D.避难间入口设置明显的指示标志,避难间设置消防专线电话、应急广播和防烟设施 [单项选择]社会工作者小赵的妻子偶然发现自己的同事是小赵的服务对象,便和小赵说要多加关照。对此,小赵正确的做法是()。
A. 和服务对象讨论是否需要转介 B. 立即把服务对象转介给其他同事 C. 拒绝妻子.继续为服务对象提供服务 D. 答应妻子的要求.对服务对象多加关照 [判断题]《国家电网公司业扩报装管理规则》规定,中间检查的期限,自接到客户申请之日起,高压供电客户不超过5个工作日。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某广告经营公司取得月广告业务收入18万元,支付给其他单位广告制作费5万元,支付给电视台广告发布费3万元,收取广告赞助费1万元。则该公司当月应纳营业税为( )万元。
A. 0.55 B. 0.70 C. 0.80 D. 0.95 [填空题]
The Culture Debate in the US:Whose Culture Is This ,Anyway美国的文化辩论:空间是谁的文化? Part of the debate about culture revolves around issues of perspective and ownership. Within a nation such (1) the United States—a nation whose cultural heritage includes elements from every corner of the world (2) are a great many perspectives coexisting and intertwining in the cultural fabriC.When we all ask (3) as individuals, "what belongs to me, to my culture" we are rewarded with a spectacular variety of (4) ; in this way, different perspectives and ownership of different cultural traditions enriches everyone. But when we ask " (5) belongs to us, to our culture" we ask a much harder question. Do the people of the (6) States, or of any culturally complex human society, necessarily share common cultural elements If so, who gets (7) decide what those elements areThis debate is a crucial one in many cultures throughout the world (8) . In t [判断题]非电气化4信息移频振荡器有两个主振频率,Δf为45 Hz。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]无形资产的研发支出费用化的部分,期末应计入财务费用中。
A.总行网站预约开户 B.企业掌银预约开户 C.全链通预约开户 D.企业微信预约开户 E.企业网银预约开户 [判断题]厨房安全是维持厨房正常工作秩序和节省额外开支的重要措施。( )
[多选题]电气设计首先要保证的是( ),这包括了( )。
A. 安全用电 B. 人身安全 C. 设备安全 D. 电网的安全 [判断题]从事证券相关业务的会计师事务所、审计师事务所必须具有10名以上取得证券、期货相关业务资格考试合格证书或者已经取得许可证的注册会计师(不含分支机构注册会计师)。( )
[单选题]下列几种气体、其中无色、无味、无臭、无毒的气体的是( )。
A.CO B.CH₄ C.NH₃ [单选题]使用催泪警械时,民警应当选择( )和安全有效距离,直接向违法犯罪行为人喷射催泪剂。(1.0分)
A.下风向站位 B.左侧向站位 C.上风向站位 D.右侧向站位 [判断题]开启电缆井盖、电缆沟盖板及电缆隧道人孔盖时,应使用专用工具。开启后应设置标准路拦,并派人看守。施工人员撤离电缆井或隧道后,应立即将井盖盖好。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]t分布曲线是()
A. 正态分布曲线 B. 标准正态分布曲线 C. 当自由度越大,t分布曲线的尾部越高 D. t分布是一条以均数为中心左右对称的曲线 E. t分布是一簇曲线,随自由度的改变而不同 [单选题]债权人获得的年利率为2.8%,若实际利率为1.4%,则通货膨胀率为( )。
A.-1.4% B.2% C.1.4% D.4.2% [单选题]【单选题】酒精燃烧火灾是()类火灾。
A.A B.B C.C [简答题]光照时间对茶树的影响主要表现哪方面?
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