The devastating effects of earthquakes
on human lives and property have encouraged the search for earthquake
prediction. This challenge remains and contemporary seismologists continue to
seek reliable methods for pinpointing the time, place and magnitude of
individual quakes. One prediction technique involves an analysis of the recurrence rates of earthquakes as indicators of future seismic activity. Earthquakes are concentrated in certain areas of the world where tectonic plates such as the Pacific Plate, the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate meet and create fault zones and it is in these areas that seismologists focus their investigations. The tectonic plate model provides another tool for earthquake prediction by calculating the accumulated strain at plate boundaries. When the strain reaches a certain magnitude the pressure must be released a A. other factors may account for changes in conductivity B. rock may be saturated with fluid C. these changes can be measured D. the conductivity of crustal rock is inherently variable [单选题]失业预警一般性指标体系主要指对失业预警工作不起决定性或根本性作用的指标及其内容。下列不属于失业预警一般性指标体系的是( )。
A.失业人员年龄结构 B.汇率调整 C.性别构成 D.文化程度 [单项选择]在颅脑手术中输下列哪种液体容易导致脑水肿()
A. 生理盐水 B. 5%葡萄糖溶液 C. 羟乙基淀粉 D. 右旋糖酐 E. 琥珀明胶 [多项选择]房地产投资所涉及的领域有:( )。
A. 土地开发 B. 旧城改造 C. 房屋建设 D. 置业 E. 城市规划 [判断题]接线表与接线图相比,反应出每个端子处更多的内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列选项中,不属于各级政府行政机关对招标投标活动进行监督时所采用的监督方式的是( )
A. 暗访 B. 专项检查 C. 重点抽查 D. 调查 [多选题]典型钢轨伤损是指( )等。
A.孔裂 B.核伤 C.轨底横裂 D.典型轨头伤损 [单项选择]不属于QUACERS模式所重视的方面是()
A. 做好患者照顾的质量保证 B. 有效掌握医疗护理照顾的成本效益 C. 重视经验的总结和失误的纠正 D. 做好患者和工作人员的安全措施 E. 满足工作人员的需求 [填空题]
The Advantages of Being Helpless [A] At every stage of early development, human babies lag behind infants from other species. A kitten can walk slowly across a room within moments of birth and catch its first mouse within weeks, while its human counterpart takes months to make her first step, and years to learn even simple tasks, such as how to tie a shoelace or skip a rope. Yet, in the cognitive race, human babies turn out to be much like the tortoise (乌龟) in Aesop’s fable, emerging triumphant after a slow and steady climb to the finish. [B] Yet, this victory seems puzzling. In the fable, the tortoise wins the race because the hare takes a nap. But, if anything, human infants nap even more than kittens! And unlike the noble tortoise, babies are helpless, and more to the point, hopeless. They could not learn the basic skills necessary to their independent survival. How do human babies manage to turn things around in the [单选题]燃气管道的()负责燃气管道运行工作的策划、实施和监控管理。
A.归属部门 B.建设单位 C.施工单位 D.政府主管部门 [单项选择]下列程序使用系统标准输入System.in从键盘获得输入字符串,请选择正确的一项填入下列程序的横线处。 import*; public class ex26 { public static void main(String args[]) { byte buffer[] = new byte[128]; int n; try { n = for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) System.out .print ( (char)buffer [i] ); catch (IOException e) { System.out.print (e); } } }
A. Systeiread(buffe B. systeiread(buffe C. Systeiread0 D. Systein(buffe [单选题]分布式电源检修时,客户应配合做好电网停电检修的隔离、接地、加锁或悬挂标示牌等安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]血糖去路的主要途径是()
A. 糖酵解 B. 有氧氧化 C. 合成糖原 D. 转化成脂肪 E. 通过尿液排出体外 [单选题]车轮踏面圆周磨耗深度不得大于( )。
A.3 mm B.5 mm C.6mm D.7mm 我来回答: 提交