某饭店拥有客房400间,当年客房固定成本9 811 000元,变动成本率15%,营业税税率5%,平均房价300元,年平均客房出租率80%,利润18 221 000元。明年计划增加广告费30 000元,房价不变。
如B省高级法院审理后认为,一审判决认定事实和适用法律正确、量刑适当,裁定驳回关某的上诉,维持原判,则对本案进行死刑复核的正确程序是()。 Attention to detail is something
everyone can and should do--especially in a job market. Bob Crossley, a
human-resources expert, notices this in the job applications that come across
his desk every day. "It’s amazing how many candidates fail themselves," he
says. Applications arrive with stains. Some candidates don’t bother to spell the company’s name correctly. "Once I see a mistake, I eliminate the candidate," Crossley concludes. "If they cannot take care of these details, why should we trust them with a job " Can we pay too much attention to detail Absolutely. Perfectionists struggle over little things at the cost of something larger they work toward. "To keep from losing the forest for the trees", says Charles Garfield, associate professor at the University of Califor A. demand others to get everything absolutely right B. know how to adjust their goals according to the circumstances C. pay too much attention to details only to lose their major objectives D. are capable of achieving perfect results in whatever they do [多项选择]国际工程中的保险项目一般有( )。
A. 工程一切险 B. 第三者责任险 C. 安装工程一切险 D. 建筑工程一切险 E. 人身意外保险 [多项选择]条码扫描和读码的质量标准要求各类条码在()后均能为条形码识读器所读码。
A. 常温 B. 冷藏 C. 冷冻 D. 水浴 E. 摩擦 [单项选择]8086当前指令的地址存放在( )中。
A. CS:PC B. DS:BP C. SS:SP D. CS:IP [填空题] Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an (B1) should be made even before the choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, (B2) , most people make several job choices during their working lives, (B3) because of economic and industrial change and partly to improve (B4) positions. The "one perfect job" does not exist. Young people should (B5) enter into a broad flexible training program that will (B6) them for a field of work rather than for a single (B7) .
Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans (B8) benefit of help from a competent vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing (B9) about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss (B10) Some drift from job to job. Others (B11) to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not flitted.
One common mistake is choosing an occupation for
A. A.a B.any C.the D.no [单选题]当双RTL (方向舵行程限制) 失效时,返回到低速逻辑:
A.在缝翼伸出时, FAC 自动选择方 向舵偏移限制值 到最大偏移值,以 恢复最大方向舵 偏转 B.保持RTL在最后的 位置 C.在起落架放出时, 任何时候FAC自 动选择方向舵偏移 限制值到最大偏移 值,到最大方向舵 偏转位置 [单项选择]有以下程序:
struct STU char name[10]; int num; ; void f1(struct STU c) structSTU b="LiSiGuo",2042; c=b; void f2(struct STU *c) structSTU b="SunDan",2044; *c=b: main( ) struct STU a="YangS an ",2041) ,b=("WangYin",2043); f2(&a);f1(b); printf("%d %d/n",a.num,b.num); 执行后输出的结果是( )。 A. 2041 2044 B. 2041 2043 C. 2042 2044 D. 2044 2043 [单选题]以下属于财务目标内容的有( )。
A.Ⅱ、Ⅲ B.I、Ⅱ、Ⅳ C.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ D.I、Ⅲ、Ⅳ [单选题]‒年12月8日,我省首座航电枢纽工程——( )开始动工兴建。
A.都柳江从江 B.大融航电枢纽工程 C.都柳江从江、大融航电枢纽工程 D.乌江航电枢纽工程 [单选题] 关于乳腺癌CT平扫表现哪项是错误的:
A.瘤体密度一般低于腺体密度 B.CT值多为25~26HU C.累及胸壁者可见乳腺后间隙消失 D.明显显示肿瘤内的短杆状、泥沙状钙化 E.肿瘤内有坏死液化可出现低密度区 [单项选择]患者,男性,56岁。患鼻咽癌,进行放疗。护士询问患者“你对放疗有什么想法”这一问题属于
A. 主观问题 B. 半开放式问题 C. 开放式问题 D. 封闭式问题 E. 非指导性问题 [单选题]室外楼梯不宜使用的扶手是( )。
A.天然石材 B.工程塑料 C.金属型材 D.优质硬木 [多选题]选煤消耗清水包括( )
A. 自用水源 B. 矿井下排出水 C. 自来水厂供给的补充清水 D. 循环水 E. 生活用水 [单选题]杆塔拉线与杆塔的夹角不应小于()。
A.20° B.30° C.45° [多选题]对SF6气体湿度检测技术测量系统中环境条件应满足哪些要求( )。
A.环境温度:5~35℃ B.环境温度:5~45℃ C.相对湿度:不大于85% D.相对湿度:不大于95% E.气体压力:推荐在常压下测量,在仪器允许的前提下也可在设备压力下测量湿度。 [单选题]在《课程与教学的基本原理》中提出的关于课程编制的四个问题被称为( )。
A.杜威原理 B.泰勒原理 C.斯宾塞原理 D.赫尔巴特原理 [多选题] 在低压用电设备(如充电桩、路灯、用户终端设备等)上工作,应采用( )等形式,口头或电话命令应留有记录。
A. 工作票或派工单 B. 任务单 C. 工作记录 D. 口头、电话命令 我来回答: 提交