American culture has not been immune to
cultural influences from outside. The idea of democracy came from the ancient
Greeks; the Industrial Revolution started in England; jazz and rock music
preserve African rhythms—to pick a few examples. Indeed, many of the things we
think of as "100 percent American" came from other cultures. Still, most of the changes in American culture over the last century have come from within, as the result of inventions and discoveries. And change has been dramatic. One hundred years ago the United States was largely a nation of farmers. Many of the things we take for granted today—a high school education, for example, or indoor plumbing—were luxuries then. The moon was a light for lovers, not a site for scientific exploration; genetic engineering (基因工程) was not even a subject for science fiction, mu A. talk about the American culture in transition B. criticize the American culture C. state the absurdity of American culture D. talk about the inventions and discoveries [单选题]线槽配线时,槽底接缝与槽盖接缝应尽量( )。
A.错开 B.对齐 C.重合 D.离开一些 [单选题][T]AA018415
如果触电者心跳和呼吸停止,应采取( )的方法进行抢救。 A.自然恢复 B.心肺复苏 C.打强心针 D.反复活动四肢 [单项选择]It was dark, and we could not ______ who was coming along the avenue.
A. make up B. make for C. make out D. make over [单选题] 加热炉主要安全附件是( )。
A.安全阀 B.进风挡板 C.测温孔 D.引风机 [多项选择]病愈后有持久免疫力的病毒性肝炎是()
A. 甲型肝炎 B. 乙型肝炎 C. 丙型肝炎 D. 丁型肝炎 E. 戊型肝炎 [单选题]适用于约束四肢的绷带结是
A.活结 B.单套结 C.双套结 D.瓶口结 E.外科结 [单项选择]概念结构设计阶段得到的结果是( )。
A. 数据字典描述的数据需求 B. E-R图表示的概念模型 C. 某个DBMS所支持的数据模型 D. 包括存储结构和存取方法的物理结构 [判断题]斜井人车必须设置使跟车人在运行途中任何地点都能向主提升机操作工发送紧急停车信号的装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]属于企业收入的有( )。
A. 销售商品获得的收入 B. 让渡资产使用权获得的收入 C. 转让固定资产获得的收入 D. 提供劳务获得的收入 [多选题]98、公安机关在立案后,对于下列哪些犯罪案件,根据侦查犯罪的需要,经过严格的批准手续,可以采取技术侦查措施。( )
A.危害国家安全犯罪 B.恐怖活动犯罪 C.黑社会性质的组织犯罪 D.重大毒品犯罪 [多选题]雨量警戒分为( )。(A、3、A)[010401]
A.一般警戒 B.注意警戒 C.危及警戒 D.封锁警戒 [单项选择]300系统键盘上发射键的英文字母是()
A. ARM B. XMIT C. ENT D. REST [单选题]在历史成本计量下,资产按购置时支付的现金或者现金等价物的金额,或者按照购置资产时所付出的代价的( )计量。
A.现值 B.公允价值 C.历史成本 D.重置成本 [简答题]问题同上
[多选题]【多选题】影响化学反应的因数( )
A.浓度的影响 B.温度的影响 C.催化剂的影响 D.链锁反应的影响 E.压力对反应速度的影响 [多项选择]新生儿黄疸的基础护理包括()
A. 保暖 B. 尽早喂养 C. 保持安静 D. 注意皮肤护理 E. 停止母乳喂养 我来回答: 提交