ADVERTISING FEATURE Save money and keep your staff happy{{/B}} It can be expensive to keep the canteen open to serve drinks to your staff through the day. Our QVM hot drinks machine replaces this service, so that you can close the canteen between mealtimes. You can install the QVM hot drinks machine anywhere in the Building. One machine is suitable for staff of ten to fifteen people. It costs £1,300 to buy, or £11.00 per week to rent over 60 months. It is not expensive to operate: for example, the cost of power for one day [判断题]工务机械车车顶两端应安装红色警示灯,运行和作业时应开启警示灯。《高速铁路工务安全规则》第4.1.12条
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]为提高对设备的校验频率,要求对微机控制单车试验器每日开工()须进行性能校验。
A. 肾病综合征并发肺炎 B. 肾病综合征并发心力衰竭 C. 肾病综合征并发腹膜炎 D. 肾病综合征并发胸水、腹水 E. 单纯性肾病综合征 [判断题]车辆使用后应冲洗干净,管路中需用水泵引清水打循环,冲洗后放净余水,车辆外表用清洁柔软的纱布擦干,保持外观整洁。(( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患儿,11岁。紫癜病程较长,症见面黄乏力、食欲不振、腹胀便溏、舌淡胖有齿印、苔白、脉沉缓等。治疗应首选().
A. 清营汤 B. 归脾汤 C. 小蓟饮子 D. 犀角地黄汤 E. 连翘败毒散 [简答题]简述厨房员工士气的判断?
[单项选择]下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )。
A. 为什么火上舞蹈者的脚掌不会被烧伤呢原因之一是因为舞蹈者不停地跳跃,两只脚掌交替地接触炭火,每次接触的时间都很短 B. 财富在更深层意义上指的是你生活品质的优劣程度,而非你赚钱的多寡。要体会富有滋味,并不需要靠着上亿的钱财,而是去过你真正想过的生活 C. 海南是“非典”无疫区,“非典”过后的每一个旅游黄金周将成为“健康海南游”的一个最大的亮点 D. 前不久去农村采访时,意外听到了一位打工仔奋不顾身同罪犯搏斗的事迹,对我们的教育很大 [填空题]The passage contains 10 errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: For a wrong word underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the
blank provided at the end of the line. For a missing word mark the position of the missing word with a " ∧ " sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line. For an unnecessary word cross the unnecessary word with a slash "—" and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line. One of the types of metaphor usually referring to with little admiration 1.______ is the dead metaphor: a metaphor which has been absorbed into everyday language usa [单选题]油料火灾不宜用( )灭火。
A.水 B.沙子 C.干粉 [判断题]新有管道组成件在使用前应按设计要求核对其规格、材质、型号。
[单选题]下列各项不属于施工监理的工作内容是 ()
A.协助业主选择承包人,配合业主组织工程设计、施工、材料设备等招标采购 B.施工管理,包括质量控制、成本控制、进度和资源控制 C.参与工程竣工预验收,签署建设工程监理意见 D.知识产权管理,根据合同规定保证相关方知识产权得到保护 [填空题]作业指导书实质是对上倒逼<--NRC-->履职尽责、规范管理,提高专业管理、安全管理水平,对下帮促<--NRC-->遵章守纪、按标作业。
[单项选择]The passage uses the term "vegetative forms" to refer to ______.
A. Plants that infest human habitations B. the fact that bacteria are really vegetables C. the growing stage of the bacteria as opposed to the dormant stage D. the difficulty in classifying the types of bacteria 我来回答: 提交