Task 1
Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. You should choose the correct choice.
Women's roles have changed throughout the world in recent years, but nowhere so obviously as in America. In many American homes today, it is more and more common to find that the children are left in day-care centers or nursery schools while both parents work. The woman may earn as much or more money than her husband. At home, household duties are shared in varying degrees by all family members. It is not unusual to find father cooking dinner, cleaning the living room or charging the baby. Mother might be outside mowing the lawn or washing A. in nurseries B. in day-care centers C. at home D. at school [单项选择]男,56岁。跑步时突然自觉腹部不适,恶心、头晕,急就诊,查体:P120次/分;BP90/60mmHg;心律整,面色苍白,腹部广泛压痛,尤以右侧腹明显,轻度肌紧张,既往有肝炎后肝硬化史,最可能的诊断是()。
A. 脾破裂 B. 肝癌破裂 C. 上消化道出血 D. 急性坏死性胰腺炎 E. 急性化脓性胆囊炎 [单项选择]能形成防火隔离层并对在火场灭火人员无害,绝热性能好,无毒、有消烟,可排除有毒气体,但不能扑救在无空气的环境中仍然能迅速氧化的强氧化剂和化学物质的火灾的泡沫灭火系统是()。
A. 固定式泡沫灭火系统 B. 低倍数泡沫灭火系统 C. 中倍数泡沫灭火系统 D. 高倍数泡沫灭火系统 [多选题]《关于实行变更到站服务有关事项的通知》中,( )不能办理变更到站。
A.已经办理改签 B.团体旅客 C.列车上 D.到站 [单选题]世界上第一部( )的作者是陆羽。
A.茶书 B.经书 C.史书 D.道书 [判断题]认知模式由瑞士学者班杜拉提出的。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The heat gained per pound of refrigerant in the evaporator is known as the().
A. latent heat of vaporization B. sensible heat C. refrigerating effect D. specific heat of vaporization [多选题]手动液压泵高低流量( ) mI/次
A.3.2 B.2.3 C.15.4 D.14.5 [单选题]试样拉断前所承受的最大标称拉应力为( )。
A.抗压强度 B.屈服强度 C.疲劳强度 D.抗拉强度 [单项选择]国有企业改革的方向是( )。
A. 建立现代企业制度 B. 实现政企分开 C. 实现所有权与经营权分离 D. 成为自主经营的市场主体 [填空题]党的干部是党的事业的骨干,是人民的 ,要做到 。
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