As you make your way through the
crowded stalls of Beijing’s food markets nowadays, you may sometimes be confused
as to just what you should be looking for. There is a profusion of fresh
vegetables laid out for sale, so much celery, so many Dutch beans, tomatoes,
even broccoli and parsley. How different things were only a scant 15 years ago.
At that time there was no variety in the selection of vegetables. Today, with
bread, jam, milk and eggs available for breakfast instead of porridge,
deep-fried dough strips and pickles, more and more people can afford the
indulgence of eating whatever they want. It is all the rage for fashionable teenagers to go to a Western restaurant for spaghetti, a hamburger, filed chicken, pizza or a sandwich. Older folks in China have not quite caught on to these trends, as their younger co A. In favor of. B. Indifferent. C. Against. D. Holds a balanced view. [填空题]列车在区间遇车辆制动系统发生故障,须部分车辆按规定无风运行,如无风车辆超过列车的一半时,列车运行速度( )。
A.最高气温时 B.最低气温时 C.不受温度限制 D.每年春季 [单选题]正线信号黄灯+红灯,行车指示内容为_____
A.允许越过,进路中道岔全部开通直向 B.允许越过,进路中道岔至少有一副开通侧向 C.允许越过,引导信号开放 D.信号关闭,禁止越过 [单选题]党风廉政建设,党委负( )责任。
A.主体 B.监督 C.管理 D.全部 [单选题]手动控制开门时需将门模式开关打至( )位,门侧选择开关打至左门/右门位,按压对应侧一个开门按钮2秒以上
A.SM B.RM C.MM D.AM [单项选择]正常生产时,安全阀温度上升,说明()。
A. 介质流速增加 B. 安全阀泄漏 C. 介质压力降低 D. 火炬管道憋压 [单项选择]男性,36岁。摔伤头部,左颞部着力,昏迷,左瞳孔散大。X线摄片示左颞骨折线跨过脑膜中动脉。最可能的诊断是()
A. 急性硬膜外血肿 B. 急性硬膜下血肿 C. 原发脑干损伤 D. 左颞脑挫裂伤 E. 弥漫性轴索损伤 [单选题]《铁路定期票、 计次票管理办法》定期票是指()可在限定乘车次数上限内乘坐指定发到站间规定列车的车票。
A.有效期内 B.任意时期 C.每天 D.每月 [判断题]349.(93657)在使用计量分离器时要倒对流程,不能憋压,特别是在想快速压液面时,一定要看好分压表上的压力值,决不能超过计量分离器的工作压力的1.5倍。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]DAN-单位客户更改名称但不改变开户行和账号的,应于5个工作日内向开户行提交正是工行申请变更,填写( ),并出具有关部门的证明文件。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交