Competitors complain that Microsoft’s
recent settlement of their antitrust case with the federal government will do
little to protect them or consumers from the software giant’s monopoly power.
But they hold out hope that state attorney generals could make the deal more
restrictive. "My guess is that all Bill Gates could do was to suppress a big
grin when he held his press conference this morning," said Mitchell Kertz-man,
chief executive of Liberate Technologies, a rival provider of software for
interactive TV. "This settlement does not come close to matching the scope of
the violation of antitrust law that Microsoft has been convicted of," he added.
"It was an inexplicably bad deal for the government." Microsoft and the Justice Department presented the settlement to a federal judge Friday, saying that it would end the antit A. had just brought a successful case to an end B. missed a chance to more severely regulated Microsoft C. was leaving most of the work to the state attorney generals D. had failed in its mission to protect business competition [多项选择]农村城镇化贷款按还款来源可分为()。
A. 项目贷款 B. 城镇化一般项目贷款 C. 基础设施建设开发贷款 D. 城镇化垫支性项目贷款 [单项选择]设随机变量X的数学期望E(X)=2,方差D(X)=4,则E(X2)=______。
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 [单选题]下图为百分表的表面,读其示值,按右侧安装型式,请给出A、B表读数,表读数过程由A到B作为抗压桩试验的什么阶段。( )
A表B表 A. 7.203mm80.139mm由A到B为加载阶段 B. 20.069mm13.602mm由A到B为卸载阶段 C. 7.204mm80.138mm由A到B为卸载阶段 D. 20.071mm13.601mm由A到B为加载阶段 [单项选择]四显示自动闭塞区段,车站控制台能确认第一、第二闭塞分区空闲,由未设出站信号机的线路上发出列车的行车凭证为()。
A. 调度命令 B. 绿色许可证 C. 红色许可证 D. 路票 [单选题]病毒增殖、遗传与变异的物质基础:
A.质粒的核酸 B.衣壳蛋白 C.病毒核酸 D.包膜糖蛋白 E.脂多糖 我来回答: 提交