Passage 1 In the preceding chapter, economic welfare was taken broadly to consist of that group of satisfactions and dissatisfactions which can be brought into relation with a money measure. We have now to observe that this relation is not a direct one, but is mediated through desires and aversions. That is to say, the money that a person is prepared to offer for a thing measures directly, not the satisfaction he will get from the thing, but-the intensity of his desire for it. This distinction, obvious when stated, has been somewhat obscured for English-speaking students by the employment of the term utility - which naturally carries an association with satisfaction - to represent intensity of desire. Thus, when one thing is desired by a person more keen A. the government which is in charge of powers such as the making of laws must conduct the current affairs of the country but also think ahead and prepare the nation of tomorrow B. the nationals of any country are accountable for social choices they make C. the source of supply and wealth of any country can and will be consumed entirely if proper steps are not taken D. the people of any given country have a natural tendency to use unreservedly and unwisely their own resources [单选题]有关接触性睑皮炎错误的是( )
A.眼镜架、化妆品、染发剂等也可引起 B.表面麻醉剂、磺胺药物、抗生素眼液是常见的致敏原 C.是眼睑皮肤对某种致敏原或化学物质所产生的过敏反应或刺激反应 D.急性期禁用3%硼酸溶液做冷湿敷 E.眼睑皮肤呈湿疹样皮损,但无急剧疼痛和压痛 [判断题]施工列车进入封锁区间的行车凭证为调度命令(包括列车车次、停车地点、到达车站的时刻,需限速运行时在命令中一并注明),施工列车在封锁区间内作业,不得超过调度命令准许的时间。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《儒林外史》中运用了哪些讽刺手法?试举例说明?
[填空题]A survey showed that American women are more concerned about losing weight than they are about (26) cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
More than half of the 3,000 women questioned in the (27) by Meredith Corporation and NBC Universal were worried about diet and weight, compared to 23 percent who were concerned about cancer and 20 percent who were anxious about their cardiovascular health. The women were asked to (28) the health issues they were concerned about from a list of 20 problems. The survey showed many women thought they should be slimmer, with more than 80 percent saying they were (29) . But just 43 percent said they were exercising at least three times a week, and 11 percent played team and individual sports. And less than two-thirds of all women said they get an annual (30) . "These (31) should be a wake-up call to American women everywhere to make their yearly checkups (3 [判断题]17世纪下半期,饮茶在荷兰开始走向大众化,家庭也兴起了饮早茶、午茶、晚茶的风气,随着演变,目前,荷兰人喜爱饮佐以糖、牛乳或柠檬的红茶。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《消防产品现场检查判定规则》适用于 ( )对消防产品的现场检查和判定。 ( )
A.消防产品质量监督机构 B.消防救援机构 C.工商行政管理局 D.质量技术监督局 [单项选择]清代的则例
A. 专指刑事单行法规 B. 指清政府针对中央各部门的职责、办事规程制定的基本规则 C. 指皇帝就某项事务发布的“上谕”或经皇帝批准的政府部门提出的建议 D. 指经过整理编订的事例 [判断题]就地控制级是就地控制系统对工艺单体或设备进行手/自动就地控制
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 杆塔上下无法避免垂直交叉作业时,应做好防落物伤人的措施,作业时要相互照应,密切配合。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]为了使主控室或配电室能得到有效的防雷保护,独立装设的避雷针应装设在()。
[单选题]驾驶人反应时间与速度成正比例增加,当车辆行驶速度增加1倍,制动距离约为原来的( )。
A.1倍 B.2倍 C.3倍 D.4倍 [单选题]《金融违法行为处罚办法》规定,金融机构擅自设立、合并撤销分支机构或者代表机构的,给予警告,并处( )的罚款。
A.A.一倍以上五倍以下 B.B.一倍以上三倍以下 C.C.5万元以上30万元以下 D.D.10万元以上50万元以下 [单选题]金融机构应( )根据客户尽职调查情况,及时调整客户风险等级,确保客户风险等级符合实际风险情况
A.定期; B.不定期; C.长期; D.定期或不定期 [多选题] 责任人员存在违规行为,属于以下( )等情况的,应将其移送相关部门处分。
A.对客户利益造成严重影响的 B.给公司造成重大经济损失的 C.不知情定制事件被主流媒体曝光或发生法律纠纷,对公司形象造成重大影响的 D.责任人员被审计、纪检监察等部门确认为存在利用不知情定制谋取私利,造成恶劣影响和严重后果的 [单项选择]彩铃即个性化回铃音业务,它是一项由被叫用户订制的替代普通回铃音的业务。在发展初期,用户只能在网站上下载流行金曲、经典音乐,但随着这项业务的迅速发展,各种个性化的“酷铃”、“另类炫铃”不断被开发出来,并得到用户追捧。不但运营商和内容提供商赚了个盆满钵满,还顺带着产生了一个新职业——彩铃写手,据说仅仅凭简单的录音设备和音频编辑软件,这些写手就能日进斗金。
这段话主要告诉我们( )。 A. 彩铃迅速发展并受到用户喜爱,其运营商、内容提供商和彩铃写手日进斗金 B. 彩铃即个性化回铃音业务催生了一个新职业——彩铃写手 C. 彩铃是一项由被叫用户订制的替代普通回铃音的业务,越来越受到用户的喜爱 D. 彩铃内容提供商凭简单的录音设备和音频编辑软件就能赚了个盆满钵满 [简答题]题目:论俭以养德
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