When his daughter Mary went out for her
evening walk Doctor Cochran sat for an hour alone m his office. It began to grow
dark and the man who all afternoon had been sitting on chairs and boxes before
the livery barn across the street went home for the evening meal. The noise of
voices grew faint and sometimes for five or ten minutes there was silence. Then
from some distant street came a child’s cry. Presently church bells began to
ring. The Doctor was not a very neat man and sometimes for several days he forgot to shave. With a long lean hand he stroked his half grown beard. His illness had struck deeper than he had admitted even to himself and his mind had an inclination to float out of his body. Often when he sat thus his hands lay in his lap and he looked at them with a child’s absorption. It seemed to him they must belon A. had intended to go for a walk with Mary B. had to fight with acute depression C. liked to grow his beard in purpose D. was suffering from a fatal disease [单项选择]S公司是中国台湾的一家公司,目前主要的经营项目有存贷款、代收、汇兑、信托、信用卡、外汇等。经过全体员工的戮力奋战,截至1998年底,共有六七十个营业网点,员工2000人。在产业环境竞争激烈情况之下,S公司进行了一系列的问题分析及诊断,决定改变以往被动的做法,以实际行动来主动争取客户,并在人员管理上以个人工作表现作为未来晋升及调薪的基准,激励员工创造高品质的服务来满足客户需求。但是,现行的人力资源管理制度无法支持公司新政策的推行,因为S公司在人力规划、招募与甄选、薪资管理、绩效考核、晋升与调任、培训与开发等人力资源管理上存在严重问题。在S公司整个工作分析的过程中,最重要的就是沟通。不仅要向高层主管报告,而且要与各单位主管进行沟通说明,尤其是进行工作分析问卷填写说明时,对要把握的几项原则表述不准确的是()。
A. 通过向咨询公司咨询,确定了解工作内容和最能客观描述职责的员工 B. 与面谈者建立起融洽的感情 C. 准备一份完整的问题表格,并留下空白以供填写 D. 如果对方的工作并非每天都一成不变,则要求对方将各种工作责任列出,并依重要性程度排定顺序 [多项选择]砌体强度的损伤检测可采用( )等方法检测。
A. 利用砌块及砂浆的强度,按规范求得砌体强度 B. 实物取样抗压试验测抗压强度 C. 顶出法测抗剪强度 D. 用扁千斤顶测定抗压强度 E. 用回弹法测抗剪强度 [判断题] ( )插拔法排除计算机故障不仅适用于插件板,而且适用于在印制板上装有插座的中、大规
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 为雷电保护装置向大地泄放雷电流而设的接地称为( )。
A.工作接地 B.保护接地 C.雷电保护接地 [简答题]简述中国企业国际化的路径及经营。
[多选题]执行刑事拘留、逮捕时,不用《搜查证》也可以进行搜查的情形下列表述错误的是:( )
A.有其他见证人在场的 B.有他的家属在场的 C.有邻居在场的 D.可能隐匿其他犯罪嫌疑人的 [简答题]过境贸易与转口贸易之间的区别是什么
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