Text {{/B}} Every human being, {{U}} (26) {{/U}} what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is {{U}} (27) {{/U}} dispose of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the {{U}} (28) {{/U}} problem how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which utilize {{U}} (29) {{/U}} body heat, but the heat given off by such objects {{U}} (30) {{/U}} light bulbs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well {{U}} (31) {{/U}} no conventional fuel is needed {{U}} (32) {{/U}} the campus’s six buildings comfortable. Some parts of most modern buildings, theatres and offices {{U}} (33) {{/U}} classrooms are more than heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned and {{U}} A. loss B. cold C. temperature D. heat [判断题]自动喷水灭火系统喷头安装在系统试压、冲洗合格前进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]小儿惊风的特征性证候为
A. 抽搐神清 B. 突然仆倒,昏不知人 C. 四肢抽搐,口吐涎沫 D. 四肢抽搐或作猪羊叫 E. 抽搐伴神昏 [单项选择]FTTH是指()
A. 光纤到路边 B. 光纤到交接箱 C. 光纤到大楼 D. 光纤到用户 [单选题]当炉膛温度超过()时,可不点火直接送煤气。
A.600℃ B.800℃ C.700℃ [单选题]绘制尺寸线用( )。 ( )
A.细实线 B.点划线 C.虚线 D.波浪线 [填空题]Schulz managed to have his comic strip published in newspapers every day with the help of media company called ______.
[填空题]Some students are not adequately prepared for college. Should we turn them away (46) them Or modify our product Americans must be (47) of their ability and responsibility to continue to learn throughout their working lives and, although I hesitate to repeat a point so (48) made by others, they must also be taught a body of basic skills. Our industry does our nation no service by (49) unprepared students or by turning out (50) graduates. These people must be taught. If they are not yet ready to learn the lessons we have pre pared, should we not (51) and expand those lessons Here is yet another argument for offering the new first degree. It would provide a legitimate program for students who are not yet prepared to go for the (52) degree.
As our industry grows in responsibility, (53) , and productivity, should we not change our production schedule (54) , yet we are no longer a na [单项选择]下列哪项是体内最重要的生物转化方式()
A. 氧化反应 B. 还原反应 C. 水解反应 D. 结合反应 E. 裂解反应 [多项选择]对证券投资进行限制的主要目的是( )。
A. 引导基金分散投资、降低风险 B. 避免基金操纵市场 C. 发挥基金引导市场的积极作用 D. 增加基金资产的收益水平 [判断题]变电站、线路以及发电厂内在采集终端及其通信回路,以及在通信设备上安装及调试工作,可以不停用高压设备或不需做安全措施者,应填用变电第二种工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列车进入停车线施行制动停车时,追加减压一般不应超过( )次;一次追加减压量,不得超过初次减压量。
A.一 B.两 C.三 [多选题]加强装备( )管理,严格落实装备管理法规制度,使其保持良好技术状态,保证遂行应急救援任务需要。
A.精细化 B.科学化 C.制度化 D.经常化 [多项选择]洁净钢生产工艺主要包括()。
A. 深度脱氧 B. 优化Ca和钢包吹氩工艺 C. 采用LF工艺 D. 优化Ca处理工艺 E. 真空精炼 [多选题]下列说法正确的是“ ”
A.BAS系统中,硬接线和通讯线接口同时采用的被控设备是通风机(SVF)和隧道风机(TVF) B.BAS系统中的联动电源是给FD阀供电的 C.沈阳地铁一号线BAS系统用变压器是为二/三通阀提供工作电源的 D.一号线BAS系统历史服务器使用的操作系统为windows 2003 server [单项选择]领导者的个人缺失包括其职能行为的遗漏和个人()
A. 部分工作的失误 B. 品德言行的不足 C. 决策思维的偏颇 D. 计划安排的不周 [单选题]变压器二次侧出口处短路形成的过电流,对变压器( )。
A.有直接危害 B.无直接危害 C.危害很大 D.危害较小 [判断题]发动机冷却水温度低于70℃时,会使部分燃油凝结在气缸壁上,从而进入曲轴箱冲淡机油。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是针对具体的装置、场所或设施所制定的应急处置措施。
A.综合应急预案 B.专项应急预案 C.现场处置方案 [多选题]就地控制的馈线自动化根据检测电气物理量的不同,可分为(____)。
A.电流型方案 B.电压型方案 C.有功型方案 D.无功型方案 [单选题]有人说某地养石斛浇的是富含微量元素的矿泉水,似乎是说该地石斛的品质跟这种矿泉水有关。
A.选一些不同品种、等级的石斛,用富含微量元素的矿泉水浇养,然后检验比较它们的品质 B.选择品种、等级等完全相同的石斛,一半用富含微量元素的矿泉水浇养,一半用普通水浇养,然后比较它们的品质 C.检验和比较用富含微量元素的矿泉水浇养和用普通水浇养的石斛的品质 D.选一种优良品种、等级高的石斛用富含微量元素的矿泉水浇养,然后与普通水浇养的普通石斛做品质比较 我来回答: 提交