For most of us, work is the central,
dominating fact of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work,
preparing for work, traveling to and from work. What we do there largely
determines our standard of living and the status we are accorded to a
considerable extent as well. It is sometimes said that because leisure has
become more important the indignities and injustices of work can be pushed into
a corner, that because most work is pretty intolerable, the people who do it
should compensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations by
concentrating their hopes in the other parts of their lives. I reject that as a
counsel of despair. For the foreseeable future the material and psychological
rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will
continue to play a vital A. A reduction in the number of strikes. B. Equality in salaries. C. A more equal distribution of responsibility. D. An improvement in moral standards. [单项选择]在证券交易所债券质押式回购交易中,质押券欠库的,中国结算公司在()日终暂不交付或从其资金交收账户中扣划与质押券欠库量等额的资金(T日为交易日)。
A. T日 B. T+3日 C. T+1日 D. T+2日 [单项选择]经期或经后腹痛,喜温喜按,月经色淡质稀,神疲乏力,下腹积块,腹腔镜检查诊断为子宫内膜异位症。首选方剂是()
A. 膈下逐瘀汤 B. 血府逐瘀汤 C. 理冲汤 D. 少腹逐瘀汤 E. 桃红四物汤 [单项选择]下列器官移植中,哪个术后排斥反应较轻
A. 肾移植 B. 肝移植 C. 胰腺移植 D. 小肠移植 E. 胰肾联合移植 [单项选择]治疗营卫不和型自汗的代表方是
A. 玉屏风散 B. 桂枝汤 C. 麻黄汤 D. 麻黄附子细辛汤 E. 当归六黄汤 [多选题] 查处传播淫秽物品案件中,犯罪嫌疑人制作、贩卖的淫秽光盘、图片,不属于证据中的
()。 A. 书证 B. 物证 C. 鉴定结论 D. 现场勘验、检查笔录 [单选题]红外线轴温探测设备等安全监控设备,( )检查一次。
A.每季度 B.每半年 C.每月 D.十五天 [单选题]建设工程质量保修书应由( )出具。
A.建设单位向建设行政主管部门 B.建设单位向用户 C.承包单位向建设单位 D.承包单位向监理单位 [单项选择]锅炉用水管线当下地时,下地管线要求进行()处理。
A. 刷漆 B. 除锈 C. 防腐 D. 保温 [多选题]关于印发《南昌铁路局动车组列车运行时车门发生故障客运应急处置规定》的通知(南铁客〔2017〕42号),列车长获知个别车门不能自动开启信息时,应立即通知( )迅速引导旅客到邻近车厢门下车。
A.故障车厢就近列车员 B.故障车门立岗列车员 C.司机 D.随车机械师 [多选题]传唤犯罪嫌疑人持续的时间可以是( )小时。
A.A.6 B.B.12 C.C.24 D.D.48 [单项选择]新技术带来的伦理争议突出地体现在生物技术领域,其中引发伦理争议最为尖锐的是()
A. 基因治疗 B. 克隆技术 C. 干细胞工程 D. 转基因技术 [单项选择]下列是调配岗使用的设备有()
A. 加酸阀 B. 酸泵 C. 水泵 D. 加热器 我来回答: 提交