Promptness is important in American
business, academic, and social settings. The importance of punctuality is taught
to young children in school. Tardy slips and the use of bells signal to the
child that punctuality and time itself are to be respected. People who keep appointments are considered dependable. If people are late to job interviews, appointments, or classes, they are often viewed as unreliable and irresponsible. In the business world, "time is money" and companies may fine their executives for tardiness to business meetings. Of course it is not always possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for late arrivals. Calling on the telephone if one is going to be more than a few minutes late for scheduled appointments is considered polite and is often expected. Keeping a date of a friend waiting A. be fired B. be criticized by his boss C. be required to apologize D. be made to pay [单项选择]They found that an individual tends to conform to a ______ group judgment even when that judgment is obviously in error.
A. unanimous B. singular C. coherent D. versatile [单选题] 党员受到( )后其党内职务自然撤销
A. 严重警告 B. 撤销党内职务 C. 留党察看 D. 开除党籍 [多项选择]短期融资券的承销方式有以下()种。
A. 代销 B. 余额包销 C. 全额包销 [单选题]在纸质商业汇票系统办理出票的银行承兑汇票到期,在扣划出票人账户存款和保证金后,仍不能足额付款支付票款时,凭票向持票人或收款人付款后,在纸质商业汇票系统做( )。
A.垫款处理 B.付款处理 C.请款处理 D.收款处理 [单选题]【单选题】2021年9月14日,我国自主研发的智能航行300TEU集装箱商飞船“( )”号,在山东青
岛女岛海区成功开展试飞。 A. “智能” B. “智慧” C. “智飞” D. “智造” [单选题]某曲线其直缓点的正矢为5mm,缓圆点的正矢为95mm,则圆曲线中点的正矢为( )。
A.45mm; B.50mm; C.90mm; D.100mm [单选题]2392.下列门窗中,能够解决冬季北方门窗结冰、夏季南方室内保凉难题的门窗类型为( )
A.玻璃钢门窗 B.铝塑复合保温窗 C.彩色塑钢门窗 D.钢塑复合低发泡门窗 [单项选择]痰饮脾阳虚弱证,宜选用
A. 甘遂半夏汤 B. 己椒苈黄丸 C. 苓桂术甘汤合小半夏加茯苓汤 D. 柴枳半夏汤 E. 控涎丹 我来回答: 提交