For reasons yet to be fully understood,
one out of ten human beings in the world is left-handed, and from one generation
to the next, this ratio is roughly preserved. As we know, left-handedness cuts
across socioeconomic, ethnic, and gender lines. Yet throughout history prominent
figures in science—to say nothing of religion—have identified in left-handedness
signs of viciousness or worse. In 1903, Italian physician Cesare Lombroso
identified left-handedness as one of the degeneracy signs of the born criminals.
Three years later, Dr. Wilhelm Fliess suggested that left-handedness was a
reliable identification of homosexuality. And in 1937 British psychologist Cyril
Burt declared left-handedness to be a mark of an ill-organized nervous
system. As demonstrated by all the "therapeutic" coercion that left-handed children were subje A. a thing that is cultivated B. a thing that occurs by pure chance C. a thing of genetic inheritance D. a thing that occurs more in prominent figures [判断题]违反交通运输管理法规,因而发生重大事故,致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]深静脉置入前穿刺点的消毒直径为
A.≥10cm B.≥20cm C.≥15cm D.≥8cm E.≥25cm [判断题]盐酸清洗法测定海砂中贝壳含量时, 若仅有少量气体产生,则可停止试验。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]全口义齿戴牙时需检查的内容为
A. 咬合关系 B. 义齿的稳定和固位 C. 发音及面容协调 D. 垂直距离 E. 以上都是 [多选题] 公务用车是指各单位为领导人员配备的公务用车,以及保障企业正常业务开展所必需使用的车辆,包括( )等。
A. 机要通信 B. 商务活动、公务接待 C. 市场营销、工程维护 D. 抗灾抢险,以及跨区域调研与集体通勤用车 [多选题]以下属于企业主要负责人安全生产知识考核要点的有( )。
A.国家有关安全生产的方针政策.法律法规.部门规章.标准及有关规范性文件。 B.公路水运施工企业生产管理的基本知识和相关专业知识。 C.事故防范和应急救援措施。 D.事故报告制度及调查处理方法。 E.企业安全生产责任制及其他安全生产规章制度的内容.制订方法。 [单项选择]招标人以不合理的条件限制或者排斥潜在投标人的,可以处( )的罚款。
A. 1万元以上2万元以下 B. 1万元以上3万元以下 C. 2万元以上5万元以下 D. 1万元以上5万元以下 [单项选择]
Formal economic forecasting is usually based on a (1) theory as to how the economy works. Some theories are complicated, and their application requires an elaborate (2) of cause and effect. Others are relatively simple, (3) most developments in the economy to one or two basic factors. Many economists, for example, believe that changes in the supply of money (4) the rate of growth of general business activity. Others (5) a central role to investment in new facilities-- housing, industrial plants, highways, and so forth. In the United States, where consumers (6) such a large share of economic activity, some economy believe that consumer decisions to (7) or save provide the principal (8) to the future course of the entire economy. Obviously the theory that a forecaster applies is of (9) importance to the forecasting process; it (10) his line of investigation, the statistics he will regard as most important, and ma [判断题]在工作时间和工作岗位,突发疾病死亡或者在48小时之内经抢救无效死亡的,应当视同为工伤。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 冻伤防治错误的做法是:
A.加强防冻伤教育和耐寒锻炼 B.40~44℃的温水快速复温 C.潮湿的衣服或鞋袜,应及时更换 D.冻伤发生后及时火烤、冷水浸泡或用雪搓 [判断题]凡离地面1.2米(楼板)以上的情况下操作即为高空作业。
A.证券交易所 B.中国证监会 C.国务院 D.国家外汇管理局 [多选题]根据《中小学教育惩戒规则(试行)》规定,下列哪些情形属于变相体罚?( )
A. 超过正常限度的罚站 B. 超过正常限度的反复抄写 C. 强制做不适的动作或者姿势 D. 刻意孤立 (解析:教育部《中小学教育惩戒规则(试行)》第 12 条第(二)项) [判断题]( ) 发现危险货物包装破损,应就地采取防护措施予以整修。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]成衣作为用机器生产的规格化的,大批量的服装,最早起源于(),繁荣于20世纪70年代。
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