Cooperation is the only safeguard we
have against the development of neurotic tendencies. It is therefore very
important that children should be trained and encouraged in cooperation, and
should be allowed to find their own way amongst children of their own age, in
common tasks and shared games. Any barrier to cooperation will have serious
consequences. The spoilt child, for example, who has learned to be interested
only in himself, will take this lack of interest in others to school with him.
His lessons will interest him only in so far as he thinks he gains his teachers’
favor. He will listen only to what he considers advantageous to himself. As
approaches adulthood, the result of his lack of social feeling will become more
and more evident. When he first misunderstood the meaning of life, he ceased
training himself for responsib A. help him correct the mistakes. B. blame him for his ignorance. C. leave him alone to work out the problem. D. help him face the consequences bravely. [判断题]可脱离轮椅自行上下客梯及行走,在
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]尖轨密贴指尖轨与基本轨间隙不大于 ( )MM。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]对肺炎支原体作用最强的药物是()
A. 红霉素 B. 阿奇霉素 C. 罗红霉素 D. 克拉霉素 E. 交沙霉素 [单选题]LKJ-2000型监控记录装置上电自检后,显示器进入主界面显示状态,两端操作( )。
A.均无效 B.一端有效 C.均有效 [单选题]附挂机车随本务机车调车时(包括出入库),机车换向手柄应与本务机保持一致,否则会出现( )报警。
A.管压防溜 B.手柄防溜 C.相位防溜 [单项选择]膀胱内血块和膀胱肿瘤的最佳鉴别方法是
A. 变换体位后团块可否移动 B. 用彩色和频谱多普勒检测有无血流 C. 区别二者内部回声的特点 D. A+B E. A+C [判断题]当汽轮机转速超过额定转速的20%时,离心力接近于额定转速应力的1.5倍,严重威胁汽轮机的安全运行。
[单选题]要创作一件艺术作品,包括一篇文学作品,需要一些条件,这就是知识、经验、想象三样东西。把知识和经验( )组织起来,就是( )。填入括号部分最恰当的一项是:
A.结合 创造力 B.糅合 创作力 C.调和 想象力 D.协调 感受力 我来回答: 提交