The first automobile was invented more
than two hundred years ago. It used steam for power and had wooden wheels. The
first automobile may have been simple and primitive, but it was an extremely
important invention. The automobile today is the primary means of land
transportation. It has produced more changes in our daily life than any other
machines. Almost all gasoline engines work in the same way—with four movements, or strokes, of a piston in a cylinder. The first stroke pulls the fuel mixture (gasoline and air) into the cylinder. The second stroke compresses the fuel mixture. A spark plug produces a spark that ignites the fuel mixture and causes the third stroke. The final stroke removes any waste gases which might remain in the cylinder. The preceding paragraph explains what happens inside the cylinder to make the pis A. first stroke B. second stroke C. third stroke D. the final stroke [单选题]7 男性,50岁,饮酒多年,2年来纳差,腹胀,大便不规律,无力,鼻出血,肝缩小。哪项与诊断无关
A.黄疸; B.蜘蛛痣; C.腹壁静脉曲张; D.肝颈回流阳性 ; E.食管胃底静脉曲张; [多选题]建设工程监理涉及监理的行为对象、( )、行为特征多个要素。
A.实施政策 B.实施阶段 C.行为依据 D.基本条件 E.行为主体 [单选题]下列哪种呼吸病情最重?
A.深大呼吸 B.浅促呼吸 C.潮式呼吸 D.间断呼吸 E.费力呼吸 [简答题]CMM单板主要由哪些模块组成?
A. 阴道 B. 子宫 C. 输卵管 D. 卵巢 E. 膀胱顶、膀胱颈 [单选题]保障商业信用这种直接融资方式顺利发展的必要条件是存在发达健全的( )。
A.借贷市场 B.贴现市场 C.外汇市场 D.证券市场 [单选题]索道架设时驱动装置可以设置在承载索下方。( )
A.A-正确 B.B-错误 C.掠 D.掠 E.掠 F.掠 G.掠 [单项选择]70岁,烧伤第2天,血压:80/60mmHg,呼吸频率20次/min,每小时平均尿量14ml,目前最可能的诊断是()
A. 急性肾功能衰竭 B. 休克酸中毒 C. 弥散性血管内凝血 D. 应激性溃疡 E. 急性肝功能衰竭 [填空题]哈尼族认为万物皆有灵,人死魂不灭,于是盛行()和()。
A.A:血液凝固 B.B:排便反射 C.C:排尿反射 D.D:体温调节 E.E:分娩反射 [多选题]进行健康指导时,提敏感问题应()。
A.先问一般性问题,再逐步深入询问 B.可以直接提问 C.用试探型问题提问 D.在保密的环境下提问 E.用封闭型问题提问 [单选题]高层建筑物和底层建筑物室内消防给水的区分,主要取决于( )。
A.消防队的灭火能力 B.火灾情况 C.楼层结构 D.人为因素 [单选题]按额定起重量分,一般额定起 重量〈 )
T. 以下的 为小吨 位汽车起 重机。 A.14 B.15 C.16 D.17 我来回答: 提交