With a record number of 51000 visitors
turning up at the National Art Museum of China for the Dunhuang {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} , museum curator Fan Di’an has not stopped smiling. The 53-year-old art historian is among the few in the Beijing artistic {{U}} (68) {{/U}} to {{U}} (69) {{/U}} designer haircuts and don fitted suits. The art {{U}} (70) {{/U}} is also a new face among the nation’s political advisors, and is to propose a solution to a {{U}} (71) {{/U}} problem Chinese museums face. "Currently, any artworks that are {{U}} (72) {{/U}} from overseas are taxed at high rate when entering the country. So museums find it difficult to accept donations from overseas," he said. Fan is currently {{U}} (73) {{/U}} in finding a {{U}} (74) {{/U}} for a new museum. "Maybe in the Olympic Village, we will have a really big {{U}} A. imported B. donated C. transported D. purchased [单选题]如果一台三相交流异步电动机的转速为2820rpm,则其转差率S是( )。
A.0.02; B.0.04; C.0.06; D.0.08。 [判断题]如果电梯设备已改变其原有用途,或电梯设备所处环境条件已发生变化,原有的维护说明书应由改装组织(对于电梯设备本身的改变)或电梯设备管理组织(对于电梯设备所处环境的改变)更新
[单选题]反映一个组织系统中各工作部门或各管理人员之间指令关系的组织工具是( )。
A.组织结构图 B.指令结构图 C.合同结构图 D.项目结构图 [单选题]Internet使用的协议是()
A.CSMA/CD B.TCP/IP C.X.25/X.75 D.TokenRing [单项选择]有卸料小车和给料小车的皮带,在运转时操作人员应在什么位置监护和调整皮带()
A. 应在卸料小车前方 B. 应在卸料小车后方 [多项选择]下列方剂中,含有干姜的是( )
A. 小柴胡汤 B. 大健中汤 C. 小青龙汤 D. 小陷胸汤 [判断题]因工器具损坏,王某用220kV验电器验500kV某线路是否带电。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 国家综合性消防救援队伍所属单位和人员应当严格执行新闻采访纪律,不得擅自接受媒体采访。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不含味蕾的舌乳头是
A.丝状乳头 B.叶状乳头 C.轮廓乳头 D.以上均含味蕾 E.菌状乳头 [多选题]甲有限责任公司未设董事会,股东乙为执行董事。根据公司法律制度的规定,在公司章程无特别规定的情形下,乙可以行使的职权有()。
A.决定公司的投资计划 B.召集股东会会议 C.决定公司的利润分配方案 D.决定聘任公司经理 我来回答: 提交