The Endless Forest has been developed by game company Tale of Tales, founded by former Internet artists Auriea Harvey and Michael Samyn. I first read about the game last year, and found Auriea Harvey and Michael Samyn were an enigma to me so I thought 1 should interview them.
Host: Many people have worked on the Endless Forest. How long did it take to develop the game
Guest: The first prototype of the game was made in June 2004 with just us two, but we started remaking the thing with a team in May 2005. The first public release happened in September 2005. Then we continued working on it until April 2006 when we released Phase Two. So it took about a year in total, so far.
Host: What was the motivation of the Endless Forest Did you feel there was a need for alternative computer games
Guest: Our motivation to make computer games the way that we do, stems from the fact that we enjoy certain aspects of commercial computer games a lot, but dislike other
During recent years we have heard much
about "race": how this race does certain things and that race believes certain
things and so on. Yet, the (1) phenomenon of race consists of
a few surface indications. We judge race usually (2) the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But (3) you were to remove the skin you could not (4) anything about the race to which the individual belonged. There is (5) in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to (6) a difference. There are four types of blood. (7) types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the (8) A. ever B. then C. never D. once [填空题]My income is now _________________ (两倍)I used to earn two years ago.
[填空题]坚持总体国家安全观。统筹发展和安全,增强( ),做到居安思危,是我们党治国理政的一个重大原则。
A. In a restaurant. B. In a private home. C. In a department store. D. In an art supply shop. [单项选择]公安工作的成败,公安队伍战斗力的强弱,取决于( )。
A. 公安队伍管理机制 B. 人民警察素质的高低 C. 公安机关领导班子建设 D. 公安装备的科技含量 [单选题]现场工作应遵循现场()相关要求。
A. 标准化作业和风险辨识 B.安全化作业和风险辨识 C.标准化作业和安全管控 D.安全化作业和风险辨识安全管控 [多项选择]进行需求分析所使用的面谈法包括()等具体操作方法。
A. 任务分析法 B. 集体会谈法 C. 团队分析法 D. 个人面谈法 E. 现场观察法 [填空题]司机在列车运行中,遇有信号显示不明或危及行车和人身安全时,应立即采取___措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]绝缘体上较大的静电泄漏主要是其表面泄漏。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]轨距杆折断或丝扣损坏,螺帽、垫圈、铁卡损坏或作用不良,应有计划地修理或更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]企业财产保险的附加险业务部分可以分为:加费特约承保的业务,以及不加费特约承
保的业务。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]重大事故隐患与重大危险源是引发重大事故的源头,所以两者的概念是等同的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]可以说明CH3C00H是弱酸的事实是( )。
A.CH3C00H与水能以任意比混溶 B.CH3C00H能与 Na2C03溶液反应, 产生C02气体 C.lmo1/L的CH3C00H水溶液能使紫色石蕊试液变红 D.lmo1/L的CH3C00H溶液的pH约为9 [多项选择]加拿大有关银行消费者权益保护的法律有()。
A. 《银行法》 B. 《存款保险公司法》 C. 《金融消费者管理局法》 D. 《金融服务改革法令》 [单选题]k1X=8~30 MN/m
A.k1X=8~30 MN/m B.k1X=8~40 MN/m C.k1X=8~50 MN/m D.k1X=8~60 MN/m [单项选择]社会保障卡内有两个独立的应用环境,分别是?()
A. ADF和金融系统环境 B. SSSE和金融系统环境 C. 社会保障系统环境和金融账户信息 D. AEF和金融系统环境 [单选题]造成尿道感染的常见原因是( )
A.饮水过多 B. 尿崩症 C.饮水过少 D. 前列腺肥大 E. 尿毒症 我来回答: 提交